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Tuesday, March 11 2025

Did you know that thousands of people in the United States are struck each year by venomous snakes?!  When bitten, venom travels through the bloodstream, destroying tissue and causing swelling, internal bleeding, and intense pain. Some bites are fatal.  Don't take a chance!  Turtleskin SnakeArmor can help protect men and women against deadly snake fangs — and protect your dog, too! Turtleskin brand is made in the USA and tested with live rattlesnakes.

Turtleskin SnakeArmor Snake GaitersTurtleSkin SnakeArmor's patented technology produces the tightest weave ever made with high-strength fibers. Its weave is so tight that snake fangs can't puncture it— not even large diamondback rattlesnakes! Constructed from a patented super-tight weave of high-strength ballistic fibers and polyester, the fabric itself is snake proof! In addition to protecting against snake fangs, your legs are also protected against briars, thorns, and sticks. Turtleskin brand snake protection is cool, comfortable, water and wind resistant, and lighter than other brands. Choose from snake gaiters that protect from your knee to your ankle, or snake chaps that can protect your entire leg from hip to ankle, or snake pants that offer snake bite protection from the knee down. Turtkeskin is available in a variety of colors and uni-sex sizes, and are ideal for both women and men. Vests and neck gaiters are available for dogs.

  • TurtleSkin SnakeArmor Snake Gaiters are constructed from a super-tight patented weave of high-strength ballistic fibers and polyester. Many brands of snake gaiters are heavy, stiff, and bulky, but at 6 ounces each, these gaiters are light weight, yet are tested to repel even large rattlesnakes. And the gaiters fold compactly to approx. 8 x 8 x 2 inches for backpacking and to save storage space. TurtleSkin SnakeArmor Snake Gaiters stopped a simulated snake strike of paired 0.05” diameter needles weighing a total of 150 grams at 0.63 joules. The system also stopped a simulated snake bite of a 0.042” diameter needle at 1.49 pounds with a penetration limit of 0.03”.

Turtleskin SnakeArmor Snake Chaps

  • TurtleSkin SnakeArmor Snake Chaps weigh only about 2 pounds, and are comfortable to wear all year round — not too hot or heavy to wear during warmer months. They are also wind and water resistant, making them a great option to wear during wet or colder seasons. This premium protective product is the lightest and softest snake chaps on the market.  Below-the-Knee snake chaps as well as Turtleskin hunting pants offer fabric above the knee that keeps your pants dry and clean and snake protection from knee to ankle. TurtleSkin SnakeArmor Total Protection Snake Chaps provide snake protection from your ankle up to your thigh, which is ideal for working in swampy areas.

  • A snake bite directly to your dog's chest or neck can be fatal, so protecting these vital areas while hunting or hiking is critical. Made from the same material as lightweight Turtleskin SnakeArmor gaiters and chaps for people, the Turtleskin DogArmor hunting vest and neck gaiter protects from snakes, and from thorns, briars, and sticks, too. Upland cover can be brutal on your faithful dog's underside, leaving it red and raw after a day of hunting, but now you can provide chest, belly and neck protection for man's best friend!Turtleskin Dog SnakeArmor

Whether you're working or playing in the great outdoors, stay safer with Turtleskin SnakeArmor!

Posted by: Denise AT 05:30 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, February 27 2025

Although rattlesnake bites are unusual this time of year in Arizona, just last month a man nearly lost his left hand after he was bitten by a rattlesnake while checking the water valve his yard. Luckily he got to the hospital in time to save his hand after receiving multiple rounds of anti-venom and intensive care. rattlesnake gaiters

“This is certainly the low season for rattlesnake envenomations, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t occur. It still can happen, and remaining vigilant even though this is a colder time of year when we don’t see it as commonly, it still can happen,” the doctor commented. If you’re bitten by a rattlesnake, doctors advise you to seek medical treatment immediately. They warn against taking measures in your own hands, such as using a tourniquet or trying to suck out the venom yourself.

In this case, the victim, Tom, drove himself to the emergency room, but made one major mistake— he applied a tourniquet. “I got the wise idea to put a tourniquet on it so I could drive and try to keep the poison out of my arm,” he said. “When I got to the hospital, they took the tourniquet off and said that I shouldn’t have done that. That’s not what you do because I super concentrated all that venom just in this part of my hand and arm.” 

Living in a rattlesnake country, Tom is used to checking his yard for black widows and rattlesnakes, but he didn’t see anything that day and never heard a rattle. “As he bit me, I could feel it going into my arm. It just ran up into my bloodstream and started to climb up through my flesh,” he said. “I could just feel the poison starting to turn into like an ache. If you bumped it or touched it or tried to move it, it was like the worst burning you ever felt.”

Treat all snake bites as medical emergencies. Call 911! Not all hospitals will have anti-venom on hand, so do call for emergency help immediately so anti-venom can be located as soon as possible. Your recovery will largely depend on how quickly you get treatment, the amount of venom, where the bite occurred, and your overall state of health and strength of immunity. When treating venomous snake bites, the list of what NOT to do is longer than the list of what to do. Experts agree you should NOT apply suction, heat, pressure or tourniquets, and you definitely should not administer Benadryl, aspirin, steroids, or antibiotics. Do not elevate the bite either. What SHOULD YOU DO if a rattlesnake bites you? As difficult as it might be, try to relax while someone gets in touch with emergency services. Relaxing will slow your heart rate so that not as much venom is pumped throughout your body. Also avoid hiking or other physical activities. Because swelling may occur, remove rings and other constricting items.

Maximize rattlesnake safety by understanding more about them:

  • Rattlesnakes are pit vipers, meaning they hunt by sensing heat and use their tongues for a sense of smell.
  • As they are cold-blooded animals, rattlers are most often found out in the open April through October.
  • Rattlesnakes can be found throughout most of the U.S., but not in Alaska or Hawaii.
  • Rattlesnakes rattle when they feel threatened. This is a warning for you to stay away. However, rattlesnakes are not naturally aggressive.
  • While you should always get treated om a hospital setting with anti-venom if you are bit, know that not all rattlesnake bites are venomous.
  • Rattlesnakes do NOT always rattle their tails, which is why it is always important to stay visually vigilant and not listen to music when hiking in rattlesnake territory.
  • Although they tend to prefer drier habitats, rattlesnakes are actually very good swimmers.  They generally only swim if they're trying to get from one spot to another, but some snakes get tired while swimming and may look for a place to rest in the water, another common way to accidentally acquire a snake while boating or even laying on an inflatable in the water.
  • Use the buddy system when enjoying the great outdoors. Should the worst happen, one person can get help while the other stays immobile.
  • Wear snake gaiters or snake chaps to help protect yourself. Not only do they provide protection against snake fangs, but also against painful thorns, briars, sticks, cacti needles, and more.
Posted by: AT 05:30 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 28 2025

year of the snakeChinese New Year, or the Spring Festival, is a festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar.  Marking the end of winter and the beginning of spring, Chinese New Year is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture. The festival is traditionally a time to honor deities as well as ancestors.

January 29, 2025 through February 16, 2026 is known as The Year of the Snake, more specifically the Wood Snake. The Snake represents wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, intuition and creativity. Snakes are also associated with good luck, prosperity, fertility and longevity. The Lunar New Year begins on the new moon closest to the midpoint of the winter solstice and the spring equinox, which this year occurs on January 29 and ushers in a year of rebirth, an opportunity to move away from old ways and habits that no longer serve us well.   

The Wood Snake is a combination of the snake, the sixth animal in the Chinese zodiac, and the wood element. This unique pairing of the snake, known for its wisdom and transformative energy, with the wood element, symbolizes growth, stability, and creativity. This Wood Snake year will likely be more creative and innovative than previous Snake years, which include 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, and 2013.  Those born in the Years of the Rat, Monkey, Rooster, Horse and Dragon should experience good luck in 2025.

Ideas for celebrating the Year of the Wood Snake:

  • Cleaning and Family Reunions: The evening preceding New Year's Day is an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner. Traditionally, every family would thoroughly clean their house, symbolically sweep away any ill fortune to make way for incoming good luck. Chinese New Year is a time for families to come together. Celebrate with special meals, offering prayers to ancestors, and bonding over traditional dishes like dumplings and fish, symbolizing wealth and prosperity.
  • Windows and doors may be decorated with red paper-cuts and couplets representing themes such as good fortune or happiness, wealth, and longevity.
  • Other activities include lighting firecrackers and giving money in red envelopes.
  • Wear snake gaiters to protect your lower legs when working, hiking, hunting or recreating in the desert or woods where rattlesnakes, copperheads and other venomous snakes are known to live.

The Year of the Wood Snake is a time for steady growth, creativity, and transformation. Whether you’re born in this year or are simply under its influence, 2025 offers a chance to reflect on your goals and nurture both your personal and professional lives. With patience, strategic thinking, and a willingness to embrace change, you can harness the positive energy of the Wood Snake and achieve new heights of success and happiness!

Posted by: Denise AT 12:56 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, January 17 2025

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 7,000-8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the rattlesnake gaitersUnited States each year. On average, five will die. Snake season is typically mid-March to mid-November. During the colder months of the year, snakes experience a form of hibernation called brumation. So why worry about North American pit vipers such as rattlesnakes, copperheads and water moccasins in the winter?  Bites actually can happen at any point. Snakes will occasionally wake up throughout the winter, especially if it’s warm and sunny, or if there is an earlier spring. They will get something to drink, spend time in a sunny spot, and then go back into their den. In southern states where the weather is much warmer year-round, snakes are always active. So it’s important to be aware of your surroundings no matter the season— as well as wearing snake gaiters to protect lower legs.

What to do if bitten by a venomous snake. The first step you should take after a venomous snakebite is to stay calm. Don’t panic. Your goal should be to seek immediate medical attention. Most hospitals have the resources and expertise to be able to get you through it. The next step is to note the time the bite happened and remove any jewelry or clothing that may cover or restrict the extremity. If possible, call 911 for an ambulance, or have a friend or family member drive you to the hospital. It is better to get care closer to the time of the snakebite, but the main goal is to get treated soon after being bitten by a snake. Elevate the bitten extremity at heart level or higher to help decrease swelling.

What not to do if bitten by a venomous snake. After being bitten by a venomous snake, do not try to kill the snake or capture the snake. It is imperative to remember that the snake is afraid and is trying to get away from you. There is no need to waste time trying to harm or capture the snake.  The most important step you can take is to get to the nearest health care facility so health care personnel can treat the wound. Contrary to some misinformation about treating a snakebite wound, victims should not cut the wound, try to suck the venom out of the wound, or use alcohol in an attempt to treat the wound. Do not apply heat or ice or use a tourniquet on the affected extremity. Do not drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages or take any drugs or medication prior to seeking care for the bite.

Symptoms of venomous vs. non-venomous bites. For individuals who may not know if they were bitten by a venomous or non-venomous snake, look out for these symptoms: within the first couple of hours after a venomous snakebite, the individual will often develop significant pain while trying to use the bitten extremity, and the individual will develop a fair amount of swelling and bruising.
Non-venomous bites are localized wounds that may have a small amount of tissue damage. With non-venomous bites, wash the bite with soap and water and observe it over the next 24-48 hours to make sure there are no signs of infection such as spreading redness or foul-smelling drainage. If there are signs of infection, make an appointment with a health care provider.

Treatment. While different health care institutions may have their own protocols for venomous snakebites, there are general steps that each institution will take to treat the bite. Early phases of care include  bloodwork so the physician can determine whether the venom has gotten into the bloodstream, wound measurements, providing pain relief, and assessment for systemic symptoms. Health care providers will then observe the bite for any signs of rapid onset pain and symptoms of bruising, swelling and limited limb mobility. Patients could be evaluated by a medical toxicologist who coordinates care in conjunction with the admitting physician. Once patients have been stabilized with antivenom, they are usually admitted overnight for observation. Some form of treatment may continue after discharge depending on the severity and circumstances.

Posted by: Denise AT 08:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, August 26 2024

Approximately 5.8 billion people live in regions around the world that place them at risk for being bitten by “medically important” snakes — meaning venomous species whose bite can have dangerous and potentially life-threatening consequences. Most rattlesnake venom causes hemotoxity and blood-clotting disorders, which lead to disruption of the integrity of the blood vessels and uncontrolled bleedirattlesnake ng. The bite location will swell dramatically, with up to a third of the total blood circulation diffusing into tissues. Tissue death can develop within hours to days, and can be severe, requiring long term wound management. Some species of rattlesnake venom can be worse if it is generally neurotoxic, leading to rapid paralysis of the respiratory muscles and suffocation. The combination of toxicities can lead to rapid and severe blood loss, shock, and potentially death. 

It is impossible to know, at the time of a bite, how severe the symptoms will be. In part, the severity is determined by the type of snake, the location of the bite, and how much venom was released. The amount of venom released at the time of the bite can vary widely. A snake that strikes because it perceives a great threat to its life may also deliver more venom into its fangs. According to some studies, snakes that have been “grasped” may release more venom for this reason. Not all bites are created equal. Approximately 20-25% of bites are dry, meaning no venom has been injected (this might happen if the snake had recently eaten). 30% of bites are mild, causing local pain and swelling in the bite area but no systemic symptoms. 40% of bites are severe, requiring intensive intervention and longer hospital stays. Only around 5% of bites are fatal.

If you are bitten by ANY snake, seek immediate medical attention if you do not know for absolute certain if it is venomous or not. Call 911 or get to the nearest hospital. At the hospital, snake bite victims may receive antivenin—  a medical biological product consisting of antibodies created from horses that have been immunized to the venom. Antivenin binds and neutralized venom toxins. It is extremely important in the treatment of snake envenomation, but is most effective when given within four hours of the bite. It is very expensive, and several vials may be needed in the course of treatment. There is a small risk of allergic reaction to the antivenin due to the equine origin. However, not all venomous bites require anti-venom treatment. Factors such as patient age, bite location, whether the venom is causing severe bleeding near the bite, or circulation issues will determine if anti-venom is needed. Lab tests and a period of observation in the emergency department are helpful, as the symptoms of a venomous bite may take several hours to develop. Local medical protocol will cater to the specific snakes found in a particular area, so treatment may be different from region to region.

What To Do If Bitten By A Rattlesnake:

  • Call 911 or get to a hospital as quickly as possible.
  • If you can do so safely, try to determine the color of the snake, any patterns it may have, or how big it is.
  • Remove any kind of restrictive jewelry or clothing.
  • Keep the bitten area below your head and your heart.

Ways of Prevention:

  • Keep all bushes and shrubs in your yard and around your home trimmed and off the ground. This is a perfect hiding place for snakes.
  • Minimize the rodent population. Rodents attract snakes.
  • Rattlesnakes don't always rattle before they strike, so always be aware of your surroundings because they are very good at blending in.
  • Always check shoes and boots that have been left outside before putting them on.
  • Avoid hiking in tall grass. Stay on trails.
  • Watch where you place your hands or where you sit, especially on rock piles or ledges.
  • Wear snake gaiters with sturdy footwear to help protect lower legs.
Posted by: Denise AT 06:53 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, May 12 2024

As most of the USA settles into warmer temperatures this time of year, snakes are slithering out of their dens and becoming snake gaitersincreasingly more active. Snake season has begun!  But that’s not all… it’s also time for the inevitable emergence of spiders and scorpions, too! Yikes!  But that doesn’t mean we should avoid the great outdoors and stay home. It just means to take common sense precautions and be aware of your surroundings.

Rattlesnakes usually avoid humans, but about 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the United States each year, with 10 to 15 deaths, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. One of the best ways to avoid being bitten by a snake is to think about where you put your hands and feet. Look carefully before moving rocks or any object that may be providing shade for a snake. Use caution when walking through fields with tall grass, or  along rivers or creeks. Keep in mind snakes are more active in the cooler hours of the day, which means they are more active at night through early morning, so consider installing outdoor lighting fixtures along porches and sidewalks, and carry a flashlight after dark. If you have a backyard swimming pool with a messy log pile next to it and dog food lying out, then you've created the perfect environment to invite rodents, which invites snakes.

Some regions that received more rain than usual this year during the cooler months  means there is now  plenty of vegetation to feed the rodents and birds that rattlesnakes love to eat. When the ecosystem flourishes, wildlife flourishes, and a number of those birds and rodents are prey to venomous snakes. But that doesn't mean more rattlesnakes now, experts say. That may happen in a couple years, but not until rattlesnakes get fat and happy from plentiful food and make more baby rattlesnakes.  As the weather gets warmer, we see snakes come out to sun themselves and look for food, but that doesn’t necessarily mean there are MORE snakes than previous years, it just means all snakes become more active and are therefore seen more often.

Nearly all rattlesnake bites result from human error, not rattlesnake aggression. All rattlesnakes can be aggressive at certain times, but not all rattlesnakes are aggressive in general. Few sounds will make a person freeze or take flight faster than a “rattle,” but since some snakes don’t make that sound, especially baby rattlesnakes, it’s best to assume all snakes are venomous.  Although new species of rattlesnakes continue to be discovered, there are currently about 20 species in the United States.  The most commonly encountered is the western diamondback; it accounts for the most bites and deaths. They are not aggressive; they're defensive. If you see any type of rattlesnake, don't make it feel threatened and leave a lot of room between you and the snake.

If you are bitten by a rattlesnake or other venomous snake the Mayo Clinic  lists these steps:     

  • Call 911 or go to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible.     
  • Remain calm and move beyond the snake's striking distance.     
  • Remove jewelry and tight clothing before you start to swell.     
  • Position yourself, if possible, so that the bite is at or below the level of your heart.     
  • Clean the wound, but don't flush it with water. Cover it with a clean, dry dressing.

Be sure NOT to to do these things:     

  • Don't use a tourniquet or apply ice.     
  • Don't cut the wound or attempt to remove the venom.     
  • Don't drink caffeine or alcohol, which could speed your body's absorption of venom.     
  • Don't try to capture the snake. Try to remember its color and shape so that you can describe it, which will help in your treatment.

Of course your best defense against venomous snakes is not to take a chance in the first place. Wear snake bite protection such as Razer brand lower leg snake gaiters or full Turtleskin brand snake chaps. It’s uncommon for snakes to be active once temps dip below 55°F, but since temperatures like those are months and months away, be safe until then!

Posted by: Denise AT 06:38 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, September 26 2022

rattlesnake gaitersRattlesnake range is extensive— from southern Canada to central Argentina. The thickest concentration is in the US Southwest and northern Mexico, according to the National Wildlife Federation. The estimated 36 rattlesnake species are adaptable, living in forests, grasslands, swamps and deserts Rattlesnakes are "pit vipers" with heat-detecting pits on their heads. Other US snakes in that family are copperheads and cottonmouths, also called water moccasins. These latter two species are concentrated in the central and eastern United States, whereas multiple species of rattlesnakes range across the United States. Fully grown rattlesnakes are typically between 36 and 46 inches long. Most pit vipers typically deliver a "hemotoxic" venom that attacks the circulation system, destroying blood vessels and causing tissue damage. The only other venomous snakes in the United States are coral snakes. Known for their bright bands of red, yellow and black, they are in a different snake family that's related to cobras. They deliver a neurotoxin that disrupts nerve transmission and can cause respiratory failure and paralysis.

Where do snakes hide?
Rattlesnakes constantly hunt for shelter. They hide under logs and in stump holes. They also like woodpiles, thick brush and spaces under boulders, experts say.  Pit vipers some times take up residence where people live and work— especially if hiding spots and their food supply (mostly small rodents and lizards) are plentiful.  However, rodents are much more likely to get into your house than snakes. If snakes do get into your house, it's most likely you have a rodent infestation. In this respect, rattlesnakes play a key role in balancing the environment. They're mostly eating mice and rats— they're out there doing free pest control.

Do people die from snake bite?
Deaths in the USA from venomous snakes are rare. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates about 7,000 to 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the United States each year. About five of those people die. While human death from a rattlesnake bite is rare, bites will cause a great deal of pain and almost always require a hospital visit to prevent further complications. "The number of deaths would be much higher if people did not seek medical care," the CDC says. World estimates for death by venomous snakebite are much higher -- 81,000 to 138,000 each year.

Rattlesnakes are also afraid of us
Rattlesnakes' reclusive nature is one reason why there aren't more incidents. The rattlesnake actually views humans as a predator; we're a large animal that could eat him. And they're afraid of us, say experts. Rattlesnakes tend to stay hidden. When we encounter a snake on the move, he's usually looking for food or looking for a mate or looking for shelter. Otherwise, he stays hidden because they're so vulnerable to all sorts of predators. Rattlesnakes are "sit-and-wait predators. Some will sit in one place for over a week waiting on a meal. So when there's an encounter, people have generally encroached on their territory.

What to do if a rattlesnake bites you
If you are bitten,  seek medical attention as quickly as possible say the experts. If you can, call 911 to come get you. You'll know if you have a serious bite in just a couple of minutes; you can start to feel tingling in your face. According to the California Poison Control System, other symptoms could include:

  •  Extreme pain and swelling at the bite
  • Lots of bleeding
  • Nausea, lightheadedness and drooling
  • Swelling in the mouth and throat

But what if you can't make that SOS call?

  • Keep your heartbeat as low as possible. It takes a while for the venom to work. Don't run, but get yourself somewhere you can make a phone call immediately. There's nothing to really help you from the venom except the serum.
  • Stay as calm as possible and deep breathe. Don’t let yourself fall asleep.
  • If possible, use a marker or pen and circle where you were bitten in case of swelling. Medical personnel will need to know the bite point.
  • Remove jewelry such as rings and tight clothing before you start to swell.

What NOT to do if a rattlesnake bites you

  • The best emergency response to a snakebite is car keys and a cell phone!
  • Don't employ the out-of-date advice of cut-and-suck (cutting an X at the bite area and sucking the venom out by mouth or suction cups). It's very ineffective; people are likely to do more damage from the knife cut than from the snake bite.
  • Do not elevate the affected area! Keep the bite below the level of the heart.
  • Don't try to kill the snake to bring to the hospital, and don't take a picture of it unless you can do so easily. Don't comprise your safety by forcing another interaction with an already defensive rattlesnake. Your response to a bite should be the same no matter which type of pit viper bites you.
  • Don't apply ice or cold packs to the bite .
  • Don't use Advil, Motrin or other nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Don’t apply a tourniquet to a pit viper bite. That venom is concentrated and it works like an acid. It breaks down blood vessels and multiple skin tissues. If you confine that venom in that area, you're apt to lose a limb from that. If you allow it to spread, you're more apt to keep your hand or fingers.

How to avoid a snake bite
Rattlesnakes are most active in spring and fall, but vigilance is important all year. Snakes really can venture out in winter on a sunny day.  Always be careful where you put your hands and your feet, especially when working around woodpiles or clearing brush. Wear thick gloves. If you're reaching under your house, shine a light under there first to make sure the coast is clear.

  • Wear closed-toe shoes or snake proof boots that fangs cannot penetrate. Snake gaiters help protect your lower legs. Snake chaps offer more coverage than just your lower legs.
  • Make plenty of noise and vibration while walking. Stick to well-used trails.
  • Go around a rattlesnake on a wilderness trail if you spot one.
  • If you find a rattlesnake in your yard, call agencies such as your state's natural resources departments or US Fish & Wildlife or contact a biologist at a local college. Do not try to kill the rattlesnake because that's when most people get bit.
  • If you must deal with a rattlesnake on your own,  use a long branch or pole to gently nudge the snake toward an escape route if you're at least six feet or more away.
  • What do you do if you hear that bone-chilling rattle? Experts say if he's rattling, he's alarmed. If you can tell where the snake is, back away. Don't approach. Rattling does not necessarily occur  before every bite.

Posted by: Denise AT 01:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, March 16 2020

Snakes love warmer days. As reptiles, their body temperature mirrors air temperature, so it’s common to  begin seeing many more snakes already this year. In fact, the Scottsdale Fire Department was dispatched to a hiking trail last week to remove a 77-year-old male male suffering from a rattlesnake bite. He was transported to the hospital. Also recently, a Phoenix man was bitten by a rattlesnake while out riding his bike. He pedaled himself to the nearest emergency room and received treatment. Most Arizona emergency departments and hospitals have anti-venom. But there's only a couple of hospitals that have medical toxicologists that specialize in this care. A hospital in the Phoenix area with a toxicology referral center sees 50-75 rattlesnake bite patients annually. Of those, 5-10 people die from the bites. Anyone who gets bit by a rattlesnake should get anti-venom as soon as possible. Wherever the bite is, is where most of the damage is going to occur. And that means breakdown of muscle and skin, as well as a lot of edema and swelling. Each person’s experience will depend on how much venom is injected.snake gaiters

Regardless of the state in which you live, if you work, hike, fish, hunt, prospect for gold, metal detect, ride ATVs, etc. in rattlesnake country, and there is decent numbers, you’re likely going to encounter some snakes this year. Keep in mind that snakes of many species are through hunkering down now that the weather is warmer, making human encounters more likely with ALL types of snakes. You might even see snakes in more northern areas where you’ve not seen them before. “It may have something to do with climate change,” says a wildlife ecologist.  “There has been a lot of range expansions of a lot of animals and plants with climate change, and if that continues, they may end up moving north.” For example, Timber rattlesnakes have been found as far north as Red Wing, Minnesota. They find shade under logs and other hidden enclosures during hotter periods of the year.

If you’re wondering how to deal with snakes you might find in your own backyard, keep in mind that nonpoisonous snakes are harmless. They eat mice, rats, and other pesky rodents you don’t want around. Having them near the house is a good thing. When disturbed, these harmless snakes usually just slither away. They prefer to avoid contact with humans. Because you never know what type of snake you might encounter, wear gloves when weeding ground cover around the house. Wear snake gaiters or snake boots when hiking or working around timber.

To avoid accidental encounters with snakes, watch where you place your hands and feet when roaming fields and woodlands, especially in rocky areas. Poisonous pit vipers such as copperheads and rattlesnakes have triangular heads, vertical pupils, and prominent heat-sensing pits between the eyes and nostrils. These characteristics can be difficult to see from a distance, but don’t take a chance — keep your distance.  If the snake is within five to six feet of you, make slow movements and move in the opposite direction of the snake. Though copperheads are more common and widespread than rattlesnakes, their bite is much less dangerous. That’s because copperheads are smaller, they deliver less venom, and their venom is weaker than rattlesnake venom. Generally, rattlesnakes are considered the most venomous and the most likely to cause death. Treat any snake bite seriously whether you know for sure what bit you or not!  Two (sometimes just one) puncture wounds identify a venomous snake bite. Keep calm and get to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible.

In the warm deserts, rattlesnakes are most active from March through October. In the spring, they are active during daylight hours. As days become increasingly hot around early May, rattlesnakes become more active at night and spend the day in a spot of shade or a cool shelter. Don’t take a chance! Be vigilant and take precautions such as wearing snake bite protection in the form of snake gaiters or snake boots to be safe in snake country— whether that be in the desert or the woods.

Posted by: Denise AT 02:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, October 01 2019

For the average person, chances of a potentially dangerous snake encounter are small. But those of us who hunt, fish, hike and work in the outdoors, are at greater risk because many of the areas we frequent are prime snake habitat. Serpents are shy by nature and do their best to avoid humans, but an unnerving close call with a  snake can happen when you least expect it, no matter how experienced you are in the outdoors or how often you are out there. Whether you’re bow hunting, shed hunting, stalking big game, or turkey hunting in a southern swamp or the Texas brush country, you might strattlesnake gaitersumble across a venomous snake, so be prepared. According to herpetologists, there are  four groups of venomous snakes in the United States: rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouths/water moccasins and coral snakes.

About 30 species of rattlesnakes inhabit a variety of environments across the U.S. In the eastern half of the country, the timber rattler thrives on rocky ridges and mountain sides from 1,000 to 3,000 feet in elevation. Further south, the timber snake, along with its close relative the eastern diamondback, are at home in swamps and thick, mixed forests. Five different species of western rattlers live in diverse habitats from sea level to 9,000 feet–from the desert to rocky hillsides and canyons, on grassy coastal plains and in conifer forests.

Copperheads are the most numerous and most frequently encountered venomous snake, and have bitten more people in the United States than any other pit viper. Copperheads range from southern New England, south to the southeastern U.S. and west through the Ozarks and into Texas.  Their young are hatched between August and mid-September, which is prime time for humans to trek into their their territory.

Cottonmouths are also pit vipers and range roughly from the Carolinas west to Oklahoma and south to Florida and Texas.

Smallest but deadliest of North America’s venomous snakes are two species of coral snake, which belong to the same family as cobras, sea snakes and mambas. Coral snakes are often confused with non-venomous king snakes due to their similar colored band patterns. You can easily distinguish the two if you remember the phrase: “Red touches yellow, kill a fellow. Red touches black, friend to Jack.”  There really is some truth to that rhyme.


Wherever you roam, know where rattlesnakes live and especially remember the word “rocks.” Prominent rocky ridges marked with crevices, ledges, and shady dens are all great hiding spots for snakes. Keep an eye peeled as you traverse rocky habitat. If you’re turkey hunting, always check the ground near your setup tree and inside your ground blind before sitting down to call a gobbler. Check the brush at the base of a tree with a stick. Probe the brush with your pole or shooting stick before reaching too close. Many times hunters don’t follow the beaten path that hikers take. When off-trail, avoid thick brush in the woods where a snake might be hiding.  The rattlesnake is an ambush predator that hides and coils beside logs and rocks. When you walk up to a fallen tree or large stone, step up on it rather than over it, as there could be a snake lurking on the other side. After ankles and legs, most snake bites occur on hands and arms, so never put your hands in spots where you can’t see what might be hiding there. If you come upon a steep stretch of trail that requires scrambling up and over rocks, check each ledge or crevice.

If you ever hear a rattle or see a snake, back slowly away with no sudden movements. Hold your trekking pole or stick between you and the snake, if you have one. If it lunges, it will go for the pole rather than you. Keep in mind sometimes they rattle, sometimes not, you never know. Beware of silent slitherers! When you are safely away, calm down, catch your breath, make a big detour around the snake and mosey on to enjoy your hike or hunt.


If you are bitten, the Mayo Clinic advises:

  • Call 911 immediately or get yourself to a hospital as quickly as possible.
  • While waiting for medical help, stay calm and position the body so that the bite is at or below heart level.
  • Remove jewelry or tight clothing before swelling starts.
  • DO NOT apply ice or a tourniquet on or near the bite.
  • DO NOT cut the wound or attempt to suck out the venom.
  • DO NOT drink caffeine or alcohol, which could speed the body's absorption of venom.


Just like you learn in the Scouts, preparation and prevention are key. Always wear long pants and snake chaps or snake gaiters with thick footwear that fangs cannot penetrate. Knee-high snake proof boots are a good alternative to wearing gaiters if you prefer.  We have all heard the basic hunter safety lessons thousands of times and unfortunately, over time we can become complacent. When this happens, the chances of an accident can drastically increase. Safety should always come first, so take time to review not only firearm safety, but basic first aid and these tips on snake bite prevention as well. And please pass your knowledge down to new hunters.

Posted by: Denise AT 01:33 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, August 08 2019

 The odds of the “average” person being bitten by a rattlesnake is low— that is, if you’re an “average” city dweller or someone who doesn’t hike, hunt, or work around timber.  But what if you spend a great deal of time outdoors in known snake country either working or playing or both? Then you might want to take the threat of snakebite seriously and protect yourself with rattlesnake gaiters or by wearing snake proof boots.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that 7,000 - 8,000 venomous snakebites occur per year in the United States. If you like statistics, here are a few more:

    •    55% of people bitten by snakes are male, ages 17 to 27.
    •    28% of snakebite victims were intoxicated.
    •    50% of bites occur on the feet and legs; 50% are to the fingers and hands.
    •    57% of snakebite victims were handling the snake at the time of the bite.

A triangular shaped head and cat-like eyes are snake gaitersgiveaways that a snake is venomous. Non-venomous snakes have round heads and round pupils. Venomous snakes will normally be heavier and fatter, too. The Western Diamondback,  also called the Pacific Western Rattlesnake, is one of the most common member of the viper family. A common myth about any species of rattlesnake is that they are vicious and go around looking for someone to bite. The fact is that most actually only strike in self-defense or to obtain food. Self-defense includes when they are startled, and that’s exactly when the “average” person is bitten— when they accidentally step on or near a viper, or are working in tall weeds or around wood piles. When not basking out in the sun, most of a snake’s time is spent hiding under a rock or a bush. If you have ever hiked through the woods, chances are you have passed within a foot or so from a rattler and luckily never knew it.

Make no mistake, a bite from a rattler (or copperhead or water moccasin, etc.) can be very serious business. Their venom breaks down the tissue around the bite. When a rattlesnake bites its prey, this action of breaking down the tissue hastens the digestive process and makes it easier for the snake to swallow its prey. If a human is bitten, there is often a loss of tissue around the bite. The snake’s teeth also transfer bacteria and the venom suppresses the immune system of the victim, making it tougher to fight off infection. While this rarely causes death, it can result in the loss of a limb. And the entire process is extremely painful and can be expensive due to the cost of anti-venom.

So why take a chance? If you spend a good amount of time where snakes live, protect yourself by wearing snake proof gaiters or snake proof boots. Luckily, Razer snake gaiters for women and snake gaiters for men are the same product. Children are bitten more frequently than adults. Most children are bitten because they often go barefoot or actually pick up a rattlesnake out of curiosity. Make sure the kids are wearing snake chaps sized just for them.

And if you are bitten, keep in mind that all that stuff about tourniquets, cutting open bites, or trying to suck out the venom has been disavowed by current medical thinking. Don’t apply ice to the wound either. Instead, the advice is simply to seek medical treatment immediately. If you’re a long way from that, try to keep your heart rate down and the bite location below the level of your heart. Your best snakebite kit is your cellphone or your car keys! And although it might be counter-intuitive,  avoid killing snakes since they are valuable to our ecosystem. Plus, in many states, illegally killing a snake is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine and/or jail time.

Posted by: Denise AT 07:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, June 25 2019

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that 7,000-8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes annually and that a small number of those victims die. Most snake bite deaths occur in children, the elderly, or with people who do not seek medical attention. While most bites are not fatal if treated by medical professionals, getting bitten is still the stuff of nightmares— swelling and discoloration of the surrounding tissue, intense pain, itching, nausea, rapid pulse, loss of muscle coordination and weakness, not to mention the cost of antivenom. Areas around the bite may suffer tissue death. It is not uncommon for victims bitten on the fingers and toes to have them amputated. The venom of a rattlesnake is primarily a hemotoxin, meaning that it works on the blood by destroying red blood cells and disrupting coagulation. It has the potential to cause organ degeneration and generalized tissue damage. Victims of venomous bites typically show signs of envenomation within 30 to 60 minutes. It’s crucial to get to a hospital immediately! While this information should be taken seriously, it is not meant to scare anyone away from enjoying the great outdoors, rather it's a reminder of what to do if you encounter a snake.

First, assume all snakes are venomous and leave them alone. Depending on the state you live in, there are many species of rattlesnakes— timber, prairie, canebrake, diamondback, and many others. The greatest concentration is found in the Southwestern United States and in Northern Mexico. For example, Arizona is home to 13 species of rattler, more than any other state. These snakes are commonly called pit vipers. The "pit" is an extremely sensitive organ located between the snake's eye and nostril on both sides of its head. These pits are so sensitive that the snake can detect the body temperature of a mouse, and judge its distance— whether that be a few inches or as far away as two feet. All snakes have an electrostatic sensor connected to its tongue that allows it to "taste" or chemically sense the air around it. Snakes are extremely attune to vibrations in the ground, too, so hiking with a stick or pole is a good way to “warn” snakes something is moving their way. Most pit vipers have tails with a series of rattles, hence the name rattlesnake. When rattlesnakes are disturbed, the rapid vibration of their tails will make a characteristic rattling sound to warn the intruder of their presence. However, not all rattlesnakes will “rattle” when disturbed. For this reason, when you are in rattlesnake country, pay close attention to where you walk, sit and place your hands. Wear snake gaiters or snake boots to protect your lower legs.

All venomous snakebites should be considered life-threatening.When someone has been bitten by a venomous snake, time is of the essence. Get medical help immediately!  If possible, call ahead to the emergency room so antivenom can be ready when the victim arrives. Until then, keep the victim calm, restrict movement and keep the affected area below heart level to reduce the flow of venom. Wash the bite area with soap and water. Remove any rings or constricting items, as the affected area will swell.  Do not apply a tourniquet, cut into the bite or try to suction out the venom, as doing so may cause more harm than good.

While no one wants to encounter a snake, keep in mind they occupy a valuable place in our ecosystem and should not be killed upon sight. They help reduce rodent populations, which destroy crops and sometimes carry diseases which can infect people. In general, snakes don't purposefully position themselves to frighten people. They'd much rather avoid encounters and usually will flee. There is no good reason to kill a snake except in the situation of a venomous snake posing immediate danger to people or pets. Snakes usually bite people only if they are molested on purpose or startled by accident; it's their only means of self-defense. Get outside this summer and have fun! Being in snake country is nothing to worry about if you take sensible precautions. Please stay alert and appreciate snakes as an integral part of wildlife.

Posted by: Denise AT 02:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, April 28 2019

Did you know? Copperhead mating season lasts from February to May and from late August to October. This means that rising temperatures coupled with mating season leads to more and more snake sightings. In fact, the number of urban sightings this April was overall higher than this time last year. Copperhead snakes are some of the more commonly seen North American snakes. They're also the copperheadmost likely to bite. Copperhead snakes are found from southern New England to West Texas and northern Mexico: Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Copperheads will be a little bit more territorial now because they are trying to mate. And keep in mind that the venom of juvenile copperheads is just as potent as an adult’s.  

Copperheads reside in an extremely wide range of habitats and are quite tolerant of “habitat alteration." This means that they can survive well in suburban areas. Copperheads can sometimes be found in wood and sawdust piles, abandoned farm buildings, junkyards and old construction areas. They often seek shelter under surface cover such as boards, sheet metal, logs or large flat rocks. Since they can live just about anywhere, copperheads bite more people than any other U.S. snake species, according to the North Carolina Cooperative Extension at North Carolina State University. But their venom is mild and rarely fatal. Generally, rattlesnakes are considered the most venomous and the most likely to cause death.

Copperheads are pit vipers, like rattlesnakes and water moccasins. Pit vipers have heat-sensory pits between eye and nostril on each side of head which are able to detect minute differences in temperatures so that the snakes can accurately strike the source of heat, which is often potential prey. Copperhead behavior is very much like that of most other pit vipers— they are generally docile outside of mating season. They would much rather lay motionless and let you just walk on by. Most strikes result from a defensive reaction to being stepped on or startled.

Keep in mind that snakes of many species are through hunkering down now that the weather is warmer, making human encounters more likely with ALL snakes. With extensive urbanization and encroachment of housing developments into the natural habitats of snakes and other reptiles, children playing outdoors are at greater risk for encountering a snake and consequently suffering a snakebite. More than 1,300 U.S. kids suffer bites each year on average, with one in four attacks occurring in Florida and Texas, a new study reveals. All 50 states and Washington, D.C., reported snakebites to children and about one-fifth of these bites required admission to an intensive care unit, researchers found. Snake Chaps for Kids should be considered, along with snake proof boots or snake gaiters for adults if your family is active outdoors. Experts also recommend keeping dogs leashed instead of allowing them to roam free. Dogs are at increased risk of being bitten due to holding their nose to the ground while investigating the outdoors. Speak to your veterinarian about canine rattlesnake vaccines and what to do if your pet is bitten.

Although you shouldn’t let the fear of snakes keep you from enjoying the great outdoors, play it safe. Be alert and stick to well-used trails and avoid tall grass, weeds and heavy underbrush where snakes may hide during the day. Fish and Wildlife experts recommend knowing what to do in the event of a snake strike.

    •    Stay calm and seek medical care immediately.
    •    Do not apply ice or a tourniquet.
    •    Do not try to suck out the venom, take aspirin or ibuprofen or try home remedies.
    •    Remove watches, rings, etc., which may constrict swelling

Posted by: Denise AT 06:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 14 2019

The calendar says it’s not even officially Spring yet, but when the warming weather causes rattlesnakes to come out of hibernation, it doesn’t matter what the date. It’s time to beware— especially in Arizona. A hospital in the Phoenix area with a toxicology referral center sees 50-75 rattlesnake bite patients annually. Of those, 5-10 people die from the bites. So far in 2019, two people have been treated for snake bite and have lived. snake bite victim

The first was a Phoenix man who made medical history, but in a very painful way. Samuel Evans became the first patient treated with a new antivenom since its recent approval. Evans was trying to move a rattler from a hiking trail in the White Tank Mountains, when the pit viper bit his thumb. At the hospital, he was treated with CroFab antivenom, but developed a serious allergic reaction.

As fate would have it, Evans became the first patient to be treated with the FDA approved alternative called Anavip. Luckily it worked! No allergic reaction this time. Anavip also could be effective in preventing the delayed bleeding that can occur after rattlesnake bites. Anavip isn’t cheap. Each vial costs $1,220 and the average dosage is expected to be around 16 vials.
That total of around $20,000 might not sound so bad when it means saving a limb or even a life. Sources say it’s actually a lot less expensive than the older product. Antivenoms in general are very expensive.

Just a week ago, a 75-year old man rode his bike for a half-hour to seek help after he was bitten by a rattlesnake while on the Apache Wash trail in Phoenix. Jim Watkins was on a bike ride with a friend when he lost momentum and fell off his bike beside the trail and into a bush. If that wasn’t bad enough, he was bitten by a rattlesnake! “It felt like a bee sting. And then as I looked down, I could see the snake was recoiling back up, but still vibrating his rattles. And so I pulled away,” Watkins said.

Watkins, who was bit on his left calf, then rode with his friend for 30 minutes to get back to the trailhead. His friend called poison control right away to seek help. Their advice: "This is serious, you need to go to an emergency room.” Once he reached the nearest hospital, Watkins received three treatments of anti-venom – 12 vials in all – that thankfully counteracted the snake's venom and reduced the swelling.

Most Arizona emergency departments and hospitals have anti-venom. But there's only a couple of hospitals that have medical toxicologists that specialize in this care. Both of these men were lucky! Anyone who gets bit by a rattlesnake should get anti-venom as soon as possible. Wherever the bite is, is where most of the damage is going to occur. And that means breakdown of muscle and skin, as well as a lot of edema and swelling. The most important factor in a rattlesnake bite is to consider how much venom is injected.

As the weather warms up, rattlesnakes are out on the hiking trails. To anyone planning on hiking, biking, fishing, or working in snake country, follow these tips:

In the warm deserts, rattlesnakes are most active from March through October. In the spring, they are active during daylight hours. As days become increasingly hot around early May, rattlesnakes become more active at night and spend the day in a spot of shade or a cool shelter. Don’t take a chance! Be vigilant and take precautions to be safe in snake country— whether that be in the desert or the woods.

Posted by: Denise AT 04:49 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 01 2018

As many areas of the country settle into warmer temperatures, especially in the desert regions, snakes are slithrattlesnakeering out of their dens and becoming increasingly more active. Once temperatures begin to hit 75 degrees, snake season begins.  But that’s not all… it’s also time for the inevitable emergence of spiders and scorpions, too! Yikes!  But that doesn’t mean we should avoid the great outdoors and stay home. It just means to take common sense precautions and be aware of your surroundings.

One of the best ways to avoid being bitten by a snake is to think about where you put your hands and feet. Look carefully before moving rocks or any object that may be providing shade for a snake. Use caution when walking through fields with tall grass, or  along rivers or creeks. Keep in mind snakes are more active in the cooler hours of the day, which means they are more active at night through early morning, so consider installing outdoor lighting fixtures along porches and sidewalks, and carry a flashlight after dark. If you have a backyard swimming pool with a messy log pile next to it and dog food lying out, then you've created the perfect environment to invite rodents, which invites snakes.

Some regions that received more rain than usual this year during the cooler months  means there is plenty of spring vegetation to feed the rodents and birds that rattlesnakes love to eat. When the ecosystem flourishes, the animal flourishes, and a number of those birds and rodents are prey to venomous snakes such as rattlesnakes. But that doesn't mean more rattlesnakes now, experts say. That may happen in a couple years, but not until rattlesnakes get fat and happy from plentiful food and make more baby rattlesnakes.  As the weather gets warmer, we see snakes come out to sun themselves and look for food, but that doesn’t necessarily mean there are MORE snakes than previous years, spring just means all snakes become more active and are therefore seen more often.

Nearly all rattlesnake bites result from human error, not rattlesnake aggression. It’s no surprise that the stereotypical bite happens to a male ages 17 to 27 with large amounts of alcohol involved! All rattlesnakes can be aggressive at certain times, but not all rattlesnakes are aggressive in general. Some don’t possess their iconic “rattle” but it’s best to assume all snakes are venomous.  Although new species of rattlesnakes continue to be discovered, there are currently about 20 species in the United States (13 of those are found in Arizona).  The most commonly encountered is the western diamondback; it accounts for the most bites and deaths. They are not aggressive; they're defensive. If you see any type of rattlesnake, don't make it feel threatened and leave a lot of room between you and the snake.

If you are bitten by a rattlesnake or other venomous snake the Mayo Clinic  lists these steps:
    •    Call 911
    •    Remain calm and move beyond the snake's striking distance.
    •    Remove jewelry and tight clothing before you start to swell.
    •    Position yourself, if possible, so that the bite is at or below the level of your heart.
    •    Clean the wound, but don't flush it with water. Cover it with a clean, dry dressing.

Be sure not to to do these things:
    •    Don't use a tourniquet or apply ice.
    •    Don't cut the wound or attempt to remove the venom.
    •    Don't drink caffeine or alcohol, which could speed your body's absorption of venom.
    •    Don't try to capture the snake. Try to remember its color and shape so that you can describe it, which will help in your treatment.

Of course your best defense against venomous snakes is not to take a chance in the first place. Adults can wear snake bite protection  such as lower leg snake gaiters or full chaps or snake proof boots when working or playing in snake country. Snake chaps for children also available. Be safe and have fun!

Posted by: Denise AT 01:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, August 20 2017

Rattlesnakes usually stay away from humans, but health officials say about 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the country every year.  Snakes bites are most prevalent between April and October and are on a record pace this year, according to many poison control centers. It doesn’t seem to matter if you are on the East Coast or the West Coast, or down South— location doesn’t matter. Snakes are very temperature-dependent, so it’s more a matter of warm weather than a particular state or region. rattlesnake bite protection

The number of calls last month to the Carolinas Poison Center about snake bites nearly quadrupled compared to last year. More than 500 calls about snake bites are expected in California.  Georgia Poison Control reports a 50 percent increase in the number of bites reported this year compared to the same time period last year. This is a small sampling, but represents what most states are experiening in late summer.

A few species seem to cause the majority of poisonous bites: copperheads, cottonmouths (also called the water moccasin), eastern diamondback rattlesnakes, pigmy rattlesnakes, timber rattlesnakes, and sidewinders. It's true that there are ways to tell if a snake is venomous by its appearance, but most people aren't paying close enough attention to really know. It's better to assume ALL snakes are poisonous and avoid them. Don't be afraid to be outside, just be cautious and know what poisonous snakes look like that are common to the areas where you recreate and live. A rattlesnake, for example has a broad, triangular head. It has a relatively heavy or "fat" body, with a rattle on tail. The rattlesnake’s signature sound is a lot like bacon sizzling. However, these venomous creatures can lose their rattles over time, so don’t be lulled into a false sense of safety because you hear nothing. Even when not fatal, snake bites can be painful and scary. Bottom line: it's better to be safe than sorry, so follow these tips when in snake country no matter the state:

  • Be alert. Like all reptiles, snakes are sensitive to the ambient temperature and will adjust their behavior accordingly. After a cold or cool night, they will attempt to raise their body temperature by basking in the sun midmorning. To prevent overheating during hot day, they will become more active at dawn, dusk or night.
  • Wear sturdy boots or gaiters. Kid size snake chaps are worth considering, too. Never go barefoot or wear sandals when walking through brushy, wild areas. Startled snakes may not rattle before striking defensively. Children should not wear flip-flops while playing outdoors in snake country.
  • When hiking, stick to well-used trails. Avoid tall grass, weeds and heavy underbrush where snakes may hide during the day.  Never hike alone. Always have someone with you who can assist in an emergency.
  • Do not step or put your hands where you cannot see. Step on logs and rocks, never over them, and be especially careful when climbing rocks or gathering firewood. Check out stumps or logs before sitting down, and shake out sleeping bags before use. Be careful when trimming tall weeds or working around wood piles even in your own backyard.
  • Never grab “sticks” or “branches” while swimming in lakes and rivers. Rattlesnakes can swim! It’s not known why they take to the water, other than sometimes to escape predators.
  • Teach children early to respect snakes and to leave them alone.
  • Leash your dog when hiking in snake country so they can’t poke their noses into holes where a rattler might be hiding.

If you do get bitten, don’t try using an ice compress or a tourniquet. Don’t try “cutting and sucking.” Seek immediate medical attention and take comfort in the fact that the bites may cause intense, burning pain but are rarely fatal, unless it is a child or pet, in which case a bite can be deadly. Once at a hospital, treatment depends on the type of snake involved, the amount of venom injected and the health of the person bitten. If your dog is bitten, take it to the veterinarian immediately to receive the antivenin treatment.

Although snakes of any kind are not "out to get you," bites can and do occur. Your best defense is don't take a chance! Wear snake gaiters or snake pants when in known snake country - whether that be the desert or woods - and greatly reduce your chances of being bitten!

Posted by: Denise AT 06:49 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, June 04 2017

As the weather heats up, rattlesnakes especially become more active. They, like humans, tend to explore when the weather gets warm. Also like humans (those who enjoy the great outdoors, that is), rattlesnakes tend to avoid developed areas, preferring undisturbed, natural habitats. That means the more you hike, hunt, camp, fish, bike and recreate in wilderness areas, the greater your chances of encountering a pit viper. And another thing they have in common with humans is they tend to be found in log piles and rocks and other natural "seats" where you might be likely to enjoy your lunch or bask in the sun. They also can be found in swampy areas. Snakes are able to regulate their body temperature by moving in and out of shade. A warmer body allows a snake to move faster when trying to catch prey (insects, slugs, frogs, birds, bird eggs, small mammals, and other reptiles). rattlesnake bite protection

Rattlesnakes are native to North America, living in diverse habitats. There are 36 known species of rattlesnakes, with between 65 and 70 subspecies. The state with the most types of rattlesnakes are Texas and Arizona. Even baby rattlesnakes possess dangerous venom as soon as they hatch. Rattlesnakes all have the ability to rattle, hence their name, but they don't always make a rattling sound, so someone can be standing next to one and not even know it.

It is impossible to know what each and every variety of poisonous rattler looks like, but in general, they all have a triangular head, much wider than the neck, thick body with dull skin, and bands of color or splotches of color on backs and tail. Become familiar with the most common snakes found where you live or recreate.  The three most common are:

Northern Pacific Rattlesnake: The color pattern is usually dark-brown, dark-gray, olive-brown, or sometimes black or pale yellowish ground color overlaid dorsally with a series of large, dark blotches with uneven white edges. These blotches are also wider than the spaces that separate them. Additionally, a lateral series of blotches, usually darker than the dorsal blotches, is clearly visible on all but the darkest specimens. The first rings of the tail are about the same color as the last body blotches, but these rings become progressively darker; the last two rings, at the base of the tail, are usually black. The belly is pale yellow, usually with brown spots. A large, dark-brown blotch on the snout has a pale border behind it. There is a dark brown postocular stripe with a white border that extends from the eye to around the angle of the jaw.

Western Diamond-Backed Rattlesnake: A large and heavy-bodied species, this rattlesnake's coloring varies from chalky gray to dull red, appearing dusty due to minute flecks and dots on the scales. As suggested by its common name, this species has diamond-shaped markings over most of its body, which are edged with black and white. These markings are replaced by conspicuous black and white bands towards the rear of the tail, just in front of the rattle, while the head has two characteristic pale stripes, one in front of the eye and the other behind, which run diagonally down the head towards the mouth.

Timber Rattlesnake: This is the only rattlesnake species in most of the populous northeastern United States; it is the third largest venomous snake in the United States.The physical color of a timber rattlesnake can vary widely depending on its area. Some are gray with a rich black pattern, some are tan with a sulfur yellow pattern, and some are a combination of both. They have V or W-shaped crossbar markings, which create a distinct pattern across its back. Generally they have a wide head and narrow necks. They have a distinctive rattler on its tail made up of a special scales. Their eyes are yellow, with elliptical pupils. These are large snakes, generally ranging from 36-60 inches (90-152 cm) in length and between 1.5 to 3 pounds.

It is estimated that 7,000 to 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the United States each year, resulting in many deaths. The most important factor in survival is the time elapsed between the bite and treatment. Most deaths occur between six and 48 hours after the bite. If antivenom treatment is given within two hours of the bite, the probability of recovery is greater than 99 percent. Still, any bite by a rattlesnake must be considered a life-threatening medical emergency!

When a bite occurs, the amount of venom injected is under voluntary control by the snake. The amount released depends on a variety of factors, including the condition of the snake (e.g. having long, healthy fangs and a full venom sack) and its temperament (an angry, hungry snake that has just been stepped on vs. a satiated snake that was merely surprised by walking near it). About 20% of bites result in no envenomation at all. Common symptoms include swelling, severe pain, tingling, weakness, anxiety, nausea and vomiting, hemorrhaging, perspiration, and eventually heart failure. Local pain is often intense, and will increase. Children generally experience more severe symptoms because they receive a larger amount of venom per unit of body mass.

What to do if bitten by a snake:

If bitten by a rattlesnake, stay calm and send someone to call 911. Always hike with a friend so you can help each other in case of emergency. The victim should remain calm by lying down with the affected limb lower than the heart. Do not waste precious time on tourniquets, "cutting and sucking," or snake bite kits. If you are by yourself, walk calmly to the nearest source of help: another person or a phone to Dial 911. Do Not Run. If you are not sure what kind of snake bit you, check the bite for two puncture marks (in rare cases one puncture mark) associated with intense, burning pain. This is typical of a rattle snake bite.

Although snakes of any kind are not "out to get you," bites can and do occur. Your best defense is don't take a chance! Wear snake gaiters or snake boots when in known snake country - whether that be the desert or woods - and greatly reduce your chances of being bitten!

Posted by: Denise AT 07:18 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 02 2017

“Rattlesnake encounter in California State Park sends hiker to hospital”
“Elderly woman hospitalized after snake bite in Mobile”
“Rattlesnakes are coming out in Phoenix”
“Man flown to hospital after being bit by rattlesnake in Dallas”
“SC woman dies after rattlesnake bite at nature preserve”
“Rattlesnake bites boy who mistook it for a toy.”

rattlesnake bite protectionHeadlines like these, while scary, serve a good purpose— to remind us to be alert and prepared while we’re in snake country. Worldwide, there are over 100,000 confirmed deaths from snakebites every year; the vast majority of those deaths do not occur in the United States. But when people here do get bitten, whether it’s by a rattler, cottonmouth, copperhead, coral snake, or other viper, it’s usually between the months of April and October.

Just about a quarter of all rattlesnake bites are “dry,” where no venom is injected. Other bites that do inject poisonous venom will definitely ruin your day, but not always kill you. The effects of being bitten are unpleasant to say the least. According to bite victims, your face starts tingling, your flesh feels like someone has sewn hot coals beneath your skin, your pulse flutters, and your limb puffs up like a water balloon. Not to mention the cost of being treated with anti-venom. Why even take that chance?

Overall, rattlesnakes are an important part of the ecosystem as they eat rodents and are eaten by other predators. They are generally shy creatures and will gladly retreat if given enough room, but their bites can be extremely dangerous, so knowing what to do to avoid them in the first place is key. The sound of rattling can instill cold fear in a hiker, but that's a good thing. You got the warning before accidentally stepping on or too close to a snake!

Despite the headlines, it’s possible to live and recreate safely around rattlers by taking precautions. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recommends:

  • Never go barefoot or wear sandals when walking through wild areas. Wear over-the-ankle hiking boots with snake gaiters, or wear snake proof boots. For full leg protection, consider snake chaps.
  • When hiking, stick to well-used trails. Avoid tall grass, weeds and heavy underbrush where snakes may hide during the day.
  • Do not step or put your hands where you cannot see and avoid wandering around in the dark. Step on logs and rocks, never over them, and be especially careful when climbing on rocks or gathering firewood.
  • Check out stumps or logs before sitting down, and shake out sleeping bags before use.
  • Never hike alone. Always have someone with you who can assist in an emergency.
  • Teach children to respect snakes and to leave them alone. Children are naturally curious and will pick up snakes.
  • Seek IMMEDIATE professional medical attention if bitten.

Posted by: Denise AT 01:36 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, February 20 2017

Most posts on this blog are about protecting yourself from snake bite while outdoors— while hunting, hiking, clearing brush, or just walking your dog while in the desert or woods where snakes live. But what if you found a rattlesnake in your bathroom at home?!

Unfortunatrattlesnake denely, a family in Texas was recently taken by surprise when they discovered a live rattlesnake slithering in their toilet bowl! According to the family, the snake was pretty much alive and was doing its best to climb out of the toilet bowl. The family called in a snake removal company. Lucky they did that, not only for their own immediate safety, but because upon inspecting their house, the snake removal company found more than one stray snake. Unbeknownst to anyone, their cellar had become a rattlesnake den!

According to the company’s spokesperson, the snake removal team found more than 20 rattlesnakes in the family’s storm cellar. And, five of those snakes were infants. Rattlesnakes are extremely protective of their infants, but fortunately no injuries were reported by the family, and the large rattlesnake population was successfully relocated. As for the little creeper that exited through the family’s toilet, the experts believe that the snake somehow managed to enter a relief pipe and to make its way up. To ensure the family’s safety, the snake removal company sealed the relief pipe. After a clean sweep, no other rattlesnakes were found on the Texas family’s property.

Although the family claimed that they hadn’t seen a rattlesnake on their property for years, the company’s spokesperson declared that even though we can’t see them, snakes are still out there. Rattlesnakes and other poisonous vipers can be masters of disguise— relying on skin camouflage in order to elude bigger predators. That's how snakes can take up residence in your residence— if you don't hear a rattle, you don't necessarily know that they are there. Or they might be living in an area of your home or yard where you don't visit very often, such as a basement or outbuilding.

In addition to checking the rarely used areas of your home and property, your best defense against unwanted visitors is to make your property unattractive to snakes. Don't give them places to hide (abandoned junk piles and overgrown brush) and eliminate their food source such as mice and other small rodents. The neurotoxin carried by the snake’s venom can kill an adult in six hours or less. Even if not fatal, rattlesnake bite symptoms may include pain, tingling, swelling, numbness, nausea, weakness, and breathing issues— so don't take a chance! Whenever you are in snake country, protect yourself by wearing snake gaiters or snake boots and keep your eyes open to stay safe!

Posted by: Denise AT 11:10 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, July 17 2016

“The number of reported bites usually hovers in the double digits through May, June and July and then jumps to about 30 in August and September,” said an employee at the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center. “It’s about a bite a day during those months before tapering off in October and November.”rattlesnake bite

Yikes!  A bite a day in just southern Arizona alone?!  The Grand Canyon state is home to 13 species of rattlesnakes, with eight or nine species living in Southeastern Arizona, depending on how the region is defined, and on average, 150 to 160 rattlesnake bites are reported every year. Multiply those statistics by all the states where poisonous vipers live, and you know why you've got to be careful this summer! 

Rattlesnakes typically come out of their winter dens in March or April, and return in November. They range far and wide — from deserts, canyons and forests to urban backyards. Some rattlers slither a mile or more from their dens to places where they spend the summer— many times in the same places where humans and dogs hike, camp, hunt and live. Some rattlesnake bites are so-called “dry bites” in which no venom is injected. Sometimes the dry-bite rate can be 20 percent. It all depends on the age of the snake, if it has recently eaten (and used its venom on the rodent it bit), and other factors.

“I’ve been a little bit paranoid just walking around the house now,” admits a home owner in Anaheim Hills, California who was hospitalized after she was bit in her own bathroom by a rattlesnake. Her neighbor’s Beagle was also bitten the week before by a baby rattlesnake. Both received anti-venom and are recovering. Fire officials say the appearance of rattlesnakes in Orange County is no rare occurrence. “The reason why we’re seeing more and more snake calls, and snake incidents, is because it’s so dry. It’s the fourth year of a serious drought, and it’s been so hot lately. These snakes are trying to find water.”

Rangers in Boulder County are warning hikers and cyclists to be on the lookout for snakes in the grass after a Wyoming resident who'd been visiting friends in Colorado was bitten on the shin by an adult snake that was about three feet long. The friends reportedly got off their bicycles and were crossing an open grassy area to go to a different trail when the woman was bitten. The victim was airlifted to a nearby hospital, treated with anti-venom, and was released.

"Contrary to many people's understanding, rattlesnakes do not deliberately harm people. They will only strike if threatened; otherwise, rattlesnakes will do everything possible to avoid a human encounter." Officials in Boulder caution people to watch where they step, particularly when in rocky or grassy open areas, and to be careful about what you wear. Especially this time of year the weather is beautiful and you want to wear shorts, but leaving one's legs bare and ankles exposed may not be wise for people who leave the traveled trails. Always keep your dogs on a short leash when hiking to minimize the opportunity for them to poke their nose where a prairie rattlesnake might be hiding.

Snake bite victims are generally not doing anything wrong. They are just in the wrong place at the wrong time— working in the yard or around a wood pile, or outside enjoying the summer—  and nothing could have been done to prevent the bite. But if you are purposely going into known snake country to hike or hunt, the best prevention is to wear snake gaiters or snake proof boots.

If the worse happens, the best response to a bite is to go immediately to a medical facility for examination and treatment with anti-venom if needed. No cutting, no sucking, no tourniquets. Just get to a hospital. Other tips include not putting ice on the bite, and any limbs that are bit, whether it be on the arm or the leg, should be kept below the heart.

Posted by: Denise AT 01:25 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, October 29 2015

Snakes are seen just about everywhere from spring through October, and then they are presumed to hibernate. But that's not always true. Snakes are more reactive to consistently cold weather, rather than a change of seasons. Rattlesnakes are even known to move around during extended warm periods during winter months, especially if they hole up in a stump or other location that can be warmed easily by sunshine. rattlesnake gaiters

Snakes do not actually hibernate, rather they become less active during cold weather. It is called "brumation."  Brumation is an extreme slowing down of their metabolism. Snakes are awake, but just very lethargic so you don't see them moving around. In the fall, snakes move back to the previous year’s den. If a sudden cold snap catches them before they get there, they may die if not fortunate enough to  find a suitable secondary den. They usually do not stay long at the den entrance, but hurry in for the long winter sleep. A number of species may share the same den. For example, black rat snakes, timber rattlesnakes and copperheads commonly den together. Sometimes there will be as many as 100 snakes in one cave. A group site is called a hibernaculum.

Cold-blooded animals like snakes, fish, frogs, and turtles need to spend the winter inactive, or dormant,  because they have no way to keep warm. Snakes will crawl into any area free from frost such as caves, hollow logs, holes under trees and stumps, under wood piles, in other animal's burrows, and occasionally in a person's basement.

Snakes will increase their intake of food before brumation occurs, if they can.  Not all snakes will survive brumation. A skinny snake will not survive. If the snake feeds heavily before they hibernate, and have digested their meal before the cooling starts, they will be OK.  If food is in their stomach or intestines when they cool, it will rot and kill them. Vipers can also brumate during normal conditions, due to a loss of food, but normally when they become dormant it corresponds with extreme temperature changes.

On warmer days in late fall, early spring, or even during winters, brumating snakes sometimes come out of their dens to bask in the sunshine. Nice sunny days that follow a long cold snap are often when people are surprised by rattlers. Just like humans, snakes head out to enjoy the sun and unsuspecting hikers can startle them and cause them to strike. Generally, rattlesnakes emerge from hibernation in March or April, or when the average daytime temperatures reach and remain about 60 degrees Fahrenheit and higher.

During a typical year, an estimated 45,000 people are bitten by snakes in the United States.  That number is reason enough to always wear snake boots or snake gaiters when in the desert or the woods. If you do, you won't have to worry so much about the temperature or the season —  use common sense to keep yourself safe. Hunters should be especially vigilant and wear snake protection!

Posted by: Denise AT 05:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, August 17 2015

There is some concern that the drought in California has led to an increase in rattlesnake bites across the state. Along with many snake bite in Yosemite National Park other animals, rattlesnakes are venturing into new-found territory in search of water sources. Earlier this summer, an experienced hiker was bit by a rattlesnake at Nevada Fall. The story was posted today on Facebook with a link to the Yosemite National Park website. Below is an excerpt:

On June 29, 2015, sometime around 4 pm, a 49-year-old day hiker at the top of Nevada Fall experienced what many people would consider their worst nightmare: being bitten, and envenomated, by a rattlesnake. He was an experienced hiker and had come across rattlesnakes in the wild before. 
The top of Nevada Fall was the objective for the subject and his family. Upon reaching the footbridge at the top of the fall, they decided to do what many hikers feel the need to do after walking in the afternoon heat: take off their shoes and cool their feet at a safe spot in the river. As the subject made his way back onto the granite shoreline, he stepped down into a shallow recess between several rocks and was immediately bitten on the right foot. Moments later, another member of the subject’s family dialed 911 and reported the incident, at which time Yosemite Search and Rescue began to mobilize their response.  
A rescue team began hiking to the patient's location as park helicopter 551 mobilized. Approximately one hour after being bitten, 551 airlifted the subject from the top of Nevada Fall and flown to the valley floor, where medical care was waiting. The clinic staff administered antivenom medication to the subject, stabilized him, and readied him for transport to a regional hospital via a medical helicopter.
Many people see rattlesnakes while hiking in Yosemite. Snake bites are rare here, but it is important to know that they do occur and that the resulting injuries can be serious: this subject spent several days in the hospital recovering from his bite. It is understandable that the patient was barefoot while wading, but for the rest of the hike, a pair of snake boots or other sturdy shoes can protect against many snakebites. Snake gaiters offer snake bite protection from approximately your knee down to your ankle and should be worn with sturdy boots. An important lesson to learn from this incident is to always be aware of where you place your hands and feet—in addition to snakes, crevices can hide scorpions, spiders, and yellow jacket nests. This hiker didn't do anything wrong. In this case it just happened to be that a viper proved to be the most dangerous part of the trip— not the obvious hazards of the quickly flowing river, the granite cliffs, or the midday heat.
If you are bitten, keep in mind that the most effective treatment for snakebite is to seek medical care at a hospital or emergency room as quickly as possible. Gone are the days when snakebite first aid involved cutting into the bite and sucking the venom out of the body. Don't try it!  It doesn't work!
Finally, treat all wildlife with respect and give them the space they need to stay wild. Never approach wildlife to feed, pet, or photograph them. No matter how docile the animal or reptile may appear, it is wild and could spook easily.
Posted by: Denise AT 03:24 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, August 03 2015

No one knows for sure how many people are actually treated for venomous snakebite annually, but according to a Parkssnake bite protection and Wildlife Department herpetologist, each state usually reports of one or two deaths per year. For those bitten who survive, treatment for rattlesnake bites reportedly runs anywhere from about $20,000 at the minimum up into the six-figure range. Anti-venom and treatment is very expensive! Young children out exploring and intoxicated young men make up a good chunk of the bite victims. Hikers and hunters also get bitten, as do those who work in and around snake habitat, especially when moving logs and rock piles.

To keep you and your family safe, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and to know which venomous snakes you might encounter where you live, work, and play. Texas has the most snake bites annually in the country, usually between 500 and 1,000. One-third to a half of those bites are venomous. Experts in the Lone Star State say you only need to worry about four species: western diamondback rattlesnake, copperhead, coral snake, and cottonmouth (also called water moccasin). Size does not matter because they are venomous at birth.

Coral snakes spend most of their time under leaves and logs and few people ever see them. They really aren’t a threat unless they are handled. Cottonmouths have black and white chins, float on top of the water and are not all that common. The copperhead is the only snake in Texas that is a two-color banded snake. The majority of venomous snakes sighted in residential yards are the diamondback. This rattlesnake sheds within 10 days of being born and then scatters. Babies end up in some strange places, like back steps and garages, looking for mice and lizards to eat, so you’re most likely to see this snake around homes and sheds. Adult diamondbacks want to stay away from activities and people. The most common snakes people encounter that are not poisonous are rat snakes—the only large snake that climbs.

Texas, of course, isn’t the only state with vipers. Oklahoma is home to five species of rattlesnakes. Three venomous species call Pennsylvania home— the northern copperhead, timber rattlesnake, and eastern massasauga rattlesnake. In California, where more than 800 humans are bitten each year, there are at least six types of rattlesnakes to be concerned about. Arizona has 13 species of rattlesnakes, and Nevada has six. Alaska is the only state that has never reported a venomous snake. For a list by state, visit

The best suggestions for avoiding snake bite is common sense and prevention. Don’t walk through tall grass. Places like flooded pastures create great breeding sites for frogs and feeding sites for frog hunters like snakes. Walk around rock piles and logs instead of stepping over them. If you see a snake, leave it alone. Remember that snakes are just as active in the fall as they are in the spring, so hunters should be extra cautious. No matter which state you live in, it makes sense to think about snake bite protection in advance of being outdoors — simply wear snake gaiters or snake boots.  If you are bitten, below are a few do's and dont's suggested by medical professionals:

What to Do if You Are Bitten by a Snake

  • Call 911 immediately.
  • Stay as calm as possible.
  • Get away from the snake but stay as immobile as possible until help has arrived.
  • Remove clothing or accessories that may restrict your blood flow and cause swelling.

What Not to Do if You Are Bitten by a Snake

  • Don’t try to capture the snake – this is unnecessary and can lead to a more dangerous situation.
  • Don’t create an incision or suction the wound.
  • Don’t administer any drugs to the victim.
  • Don’t apply a tourniquet (restrictive device used to constrict the flow of blood to a body part).
  • Don’t apply ice to the snakebite.
  • Don’t wait to see if symptoms occur – seek professional medical help immediately!

Posted by: Denise AT 02:32 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, April 29 2015

Most rattlesnakes are out of their dens by mid-May, roaming the wild and occasionally alarming humans. The fear of snakes ranks rattlesnake near the top of most common phobia lists, but do people in eastern states need to be worried about serpentine encounters as much as those in western and southern states?

Rattlesnakes are considered threatened or endangered in certain states such as Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, New Jersey, Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. This particular venomous creature is vulnerable to loss of habitat and being run over by vehicles. Once the population is depressed, it takes the population a long time to recover because of slow reproduction rates. It takes females the first seven to nine years of their 30-year life to reach sexual maturity. They will then only have a litter every three to five years, and only one baby from each litter will likely survive to reach maturity.

Still, snakes are surviving in eastern snakes and whether you should be truly concerned about them while hiking, hunting, or working in your yard depends largely on how often you will be in areas known for snakes. Your best bet is to wear snake gaiters or snake boots while recreating or working in snake habitat.  Rattlesnakes are unlikely to bite unless provoked — usually by a young person bitten on the hand because they attempted to pick it up.  Children need to realize if you poke at it long enough, even the most docile snake of any species is going to strike. Also, if you startle a snake by accidentally stepping on it, or perhaps moving a rock or piece of wood not knowing a snake is under there, that's when bites can occur, too.

If you happen to get bit, do not cut or suck the wound or use a tourniquet to isolate the venom. Go directly to a medical facility as quickly as possible. Not all hospitals carry anti-venom, so it’s a good idea to call ahead. Some victims might need to be hospitalized. Although a rattlesnake bite can be very painful and expensive (anti-venom doesn't come cheap), it's not common enough to avoid hiking or fishing or otherwise having fun in the woods on a summer’s afternoon. Just be prepared with the right snake bite protection, use common sense, and be on the look-out so you can avoid any rattlers that are also taking advantage of a sunny summer day.

Posted by: Denise AT 01:25 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, May 18 2014

It's rattlesnake season again! Most people fear those words, but a few actually relish this time of year. Are they crazy? Well, not exactly. Some folks have a job that involves tracking and catching snakes for research or preservation.

Take, for example, Ann Stengel in Sheffield, Massachusetts. Ms Stengel is a UMass Amherst doctoral candidate out to save the timber rattlesnake in New England. It turns out that the rattlesnake populations are endangered in that region. The largest population left in Massachusetts—and possibly in New England—is found in Berkshire County. Human incursion into habitat and malicious killing of the snakes have greatly disturbed their numbers. And given that female snakes only reproduce once every three to five years and 80 percent of offspring can be expected to die in the first year, the snakes are slow to rebuild depleted populations.

In the name of science, people like Stengel take newborn snakes into captivity for a year or a year and a half, then release them near their den site with the hope that they adapt back into the wild. Some do and some don't. The more successful this project becomes, the more people who find rattlers fearsome will object to it. In response, Ms. Stengle points out that snakes are good for rodent control, and that to date no one in Massachusetts has ever died of a rattlesnake bite. In fact, bites are extremely rare as timber rattlesnakes, the species found in the Berkshires, are not very aggressive.

A bride-to-be in El Dorado County, California wishes the rattlers in her area were not aggressive. Instead of marching down the aisle to say "I Do" Macee Whitton found herself in the hospital on her wedding day. A week before her Big Day, she was outside with her dogs and a rattlesnake bit her on the ankle. Despite getting bags of anti-venom at a nearby medical center, the poison kept traveling through her body. She had a lengthy hospital stay and it took weeks to recover. Her wedding has been rescheduled.

According to the California Poison Control Center, most bites occur between April and October when snakes and humans are most active outdoors. The vipers usually den from late October to early April. Their body temperature will get down to 40 degrees. They lose very little body weight because they shut down metabolically. A female rattler is pregnant for more than a year before giving birth to eight to 12 live little snakes. You might think the mother rattler then slithers off and leaves the little ones to fend for themselves, but researcher shows that the mother remains with her young until she leads them to the family den at the end of fall. There, the little ones, their mother and 30 to 50 other snakes will disappear deep into the ground below the frost level to sleep away the winter.

Once the snakes emerge from hibernation at this time of year, they have a kind of social life. They often use the same basking areas, and are particularly fond of south-facing rocky slopes. During the warm months snakes will travel— males up to four miles and non-pregnant females about two miles. But they always return to the same den. An adult rattler can live for 45 years if it avoids predators such as humans and red-tailed hawks.

The best thing you can do when in rattlesnake country is not to avoid the great outdoors, but to be prepared by wearing snake gaiters or snake proof boots.  And don't ever let your guard down. Keep an eye out, be careful of where you sit, and don't reach into blind areas under rocks or wood piles where rattlesnake hang out.

Posted by: Denise AT 03:20 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Saturday, February 22 2014

We all know that there's a specific purpose to a snake's rattle— to scare larger animals and humans away. And it generally works! Hearing that rattle signals immediate danger and most of us move away as quickly as possible. But what if you couldn't hear the rattle and be warned? What if you sat down on a log or were walking down a trail and didn't know that a snake was inches from you because there was no warning rattle?!  Some experts say that's what is happening with the Crotalus Viridis¸ or the prairie rattlesnake in the Black Hills of South Dakota. rattlesnake tails

Over the past couple of years, naturalists have noticed many rattlesnakes with “curly-Q” tails, like you find on pigs. The tail muscles on these snakes have atrophied and can’t move the rattle. Snakes that have this genetic defect are the ones that are surviving. They reproduce and pass along that genetic defect to their offspring. The benefit to the snake is that if they are not heard, they are not killed. Because when most people hear that chilling rattle, if they have a garden shovel or gun available, it's all over for the snake.

Most people WANT to hear the rattle. It's helpful to both snakes and humans. These reptiles don't really want to bite humans— that would be a waste of venom on something they can't eat. So rattling warns us to get away, saving both species. Two hundred years ago when Native Americans were the only people in South Dakota, a rattlesnake would rattle and they would respect it and leave it alone. When white settlers moved in, however, and heard a rattlesnake rattle, they instantly killed it. So perhaps this genetic abnormality is actually saving rattlesnakes from certain death by humans?

There is no scientific data to back up this theory other than from observing that the rattlesnakes are developing this behavior, but it's worth keeping in mind for those who spend a lot of time in the desert or woods where rattlesnakes live. Keep in mind that if someone is bitten by a rattlesnake, the old wives tales about sucking out the poison, drinking alcohol, and other methods work won’t. The best thing is to carry basic First Aid supplies in your backpack, and then get help right away— get to a hospital and get anti-venom. Better yet, don't take a chance. Wear light-weight snake gaiters or snake boots and you won't have to worry about getting bitten— whether that snake is able to send a warning rattle or not.

Posted by: Denise AT 09:45 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, January 01 2014

Did you know that rattlesnakes regulate the volume of their venom? A mouse needs only a little dose and a rat a little more. A rabbit may receive a little more venom than a rat. Rattlers sometimes bite humans without injecting venom. A snake that feels in danger may "deliver everything it has." About 6,000 people are bitten in North America each year. In about 80 percent of those cases, experts say, the victim was trying to handle the snake. A half century ago, fatalities were common. Not so today. Medical treatment is usually nearby, and antivenin is effective. Only one in about 700 bites results in death. If you don't die, the greatest danger is hock caused by dangerously low blood pressure that can deprive the brain and other organs of oxygen. Some snakebite victims bleed internally. Even with treatment, a survivor might lose flesh, muscle tissue, nerves, bone, even a limb.

Don't think rattlesnake venom is all that bad? Think again. A well-known snake expert, 61-year old Joe Wasilewski, was recently bitten in Florida and nearly lost his life. And that was someone who knew what he was doing— someone who has handled hundreds thousands of snakes during the last 50 years. Someone also used to handling crocodiles. But all it took was one mean viper to "deliver everything it has" and this expert almost didn't make it. Writer Jeff Klinkenberg of the Tampa Bay Times reported the story:

snake bite protectionWasilewski had opened a cage and used a short pole to lift a buzzing 4-foot diamondback rattlesnake. In a well-practiced move, he slid the snake into a garbage can for safekeeping while he cleaned the cage. Then it was time to reverse the process. Hook the snake in the middle, position head away from you, slide it back into the cage. But then Joe felt a sharp sting in his left forearm.

"Oh, oh,'' he told his son, Nick. "I think he got me.'' While his son called 911, Wasilewski got a funny metallic taste in his mouth. His lips tingled, he sweated profusely, he threw up. By the time he was taken to the hospital, Wasilewski was unconscious. His blood wasn't clotting. He'd received eight vials of antivenin. Then he got another eight. His arm was grotesque and swollen. Standing next to his dad's bed in intensive care, Nick stared in shock at the stricken arm. The twitching muscles made it look like worms wriggling under the skin.

Antivenin costs about $3,200 a vial. Why so expensive? First, lots of venomous snakes have to be captured. Their venom is extracted and injected into horses and sheep, whose blood forms antibodies against the poison. Finally, the animal blood is made into a product to treat humans.

Eventually Wasilewski improved. Opened his eyes. Talked. Then suffered a relapse. His blood had stopped clotting again. The swollen arm was turning black. Over the next three days his doctor ordered another 32 vials. Joe endured tubes up his nose, down his throat, in his penis, in his arm. Morphine. Fog. Day, night, another day. Improvement. Awake. Tubes came out. Ate some food. For the first time in more than a week, this man who was used to being around rattlesnakes, felt alive.

"I can't take another bite like that,'' Joe told friends who stopped by his home after Joe was released from the hospital. Joe has two Eastern diamondbacks. He has decided that he'll keep one of them for educational purposes. The other he'll give to a pal in Central Florida in the venom business. It is amazing that this South Florida longtime reptile wrangler has no hard feelings. “It was my own fault,” said Wasilewski. “I got careless. It’s not the snake’s fault.” 

If a situation can happen to this expert, imagine what can happen out of the blue when hiking, hunting, stacking wood, or camping in rattlesnake habitat without the right protection. Don't take a chance!  When in the desert or woods -- anywhere rattlesnakes are known to live -- protect yourself with snake gaiters or snake boots. This type of snake bite protection enables YOU to "deliver everything you have" when it comes to not getting bitten.

Posted by: Denise AT 04:20 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, November 04 2013

The Burmese python, a native of India and other parts of Asia, has recently become an out-of-control menace in the Florida Everglades. No one knows exactly how these snakes got out of control. The guess is that they most likely developed from pets released into the wild, either intentionally or in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew in 1992. These snakes eat native species like alligators and endangered egrets, and are a threat to humans and their pets. These snakes have no natural predators, so wildlife officials are racing to control the python population. The U.S. Department of Agriculture received a patent in August for a trap that resembles a long, thin cage with a net at one end for the live capture of large, heavy snakes.

The Gainesville field station for the National Wildlife Research Center, which falls under the USDA, is preparing to test the trap in a natural enclosure that contains five pythons. Over the coming months, the researchers will try baiting the traps with the scent of rats and python pheromones. The wire traps will be camouflaged as pipes or other small, covered spaces where pythons like to hide. The 5-foot-long trap is made from galvanized steel wire with a tightly woven net secured to one end. Two separate triggers need to be tripped simultaneously for it to close, which should keep it from snapping shut on such native snakes as the eastern diamondback rattlesnake or the water moccasin. Of course a pair of snake gaiters will keep humans from being bitten by rattlesnakes and other deadly vipers, but gaiters, boots or chaps won't protect you from pythons.

In an effort to control the snake population, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission allows hunters with special permits to remove pythons and other exotic reptiles from some state lands. Earlier this year, a state-sanctioned hunt that attracted worldwide media attention was held. Roughly 1,600 amateur python hunters joined the permit holders for a month, netting a total of 68 snakes.  A prolonged cold snap has proven to be one of the better methods of python population control, killing off large numbers of the snakes in 2010. The population rebounded, though, because low temperatures aren't reliable in subtropical South Florida. And with plentiful food around, the pythons can get really big! The longest python ever caught in Florida was an 18-foot-8-inch specimen found in May beside a rural Miami-Dade County road.

Everglades National Park encompasses 1.5 million acres, and all but roughly 100,000 acres of that is largely inaccessible swampland and sawgrass, so it's not easy tracking down Burmese pythons. The new traps are definitely an experiment. It may work, or it may not. Traps have been used in the park to collect pythons for research, but not for population control. The area may turn out to be too vast for steel traps to be effective. Time will tell.

Posted by: Denise AT 06:27 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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