SnakeProtection.com is an online store that provides products and information to help keep you safe from snake bite while in the desert or woods. This site is owned by Larry and Denise Seith, Gold Rush Group LLC. As avid hikers and travelers, we've run into a rattlesnake or two over the years, and once we found the best products to protect us against venomous snake fangs, we created this website to share our knowledge with like-minded adventurers like you. While no product can claim 100% protection from snakes 100% of the time, the manufacturers we work with are dedicated to developing the very latest personal protection equipment.
For fastest service, please place your order over our secure website. Doing so provides a detailed receipt that is immediately e-mailed to you. We're a small business and like it that way, and as such, we greatly appreciate your business and referrals — thank you!
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