Did you know that thousands of people in the United States are struck each year by venomous snakes?! When bitten, venom travels through the bloodstream, destroying tissue and causing swelling, internal bleeding, and intense pain. Some bites are fatal. Don't take a chance! Turtleskin SnakeArmor can help protect men and women against deadly snake fangs — and protect your dog, too! Turtleskin brand is made in the USA and tested with live rattlesnakes.
TurtleSkin SnakeArmor's patented technology produces the tightest weave ever made with high-strength fibers. Its weave is so tight that snake fangs can't puncture it— not even large diamondback rattlesnakes! Constructed from a patented super-tight weave of high-strength ballistic fibers and polyester, the fabric itself is snake proof! In addition to protecting against snake fangs, your legs are also protected against briars, thorns, and sticks. Turtleskin brand snake protection is cool, comfortable, water and wind resistant, and lighter than other brands. Choose from snake gaiters that protect from your knee to your ankle, or snake chaps that can protect your entire leg from hip to ankle, or snake pants that offer snake bite protection from the knee down. Turtkeskin is available in a variety of colors and uni-sex sizes, and are ideal for both women and men. Vests and neck gaiters are available for dogs.
- TurtleSkin SnakeArmor Snake Gaiters are constructed from a super-tight patented weave of high-strength ballistic fibers and polyester. Many brands of snake gaiters are heavy, stiff, and bulky, but at 6 ounces each, these gaiters are light weight, yet are tested to repel even large rattlesnakes. And the gaiters fold compactly to approx. 8 x 8 x 2 inches for backpacking and to save storage space. TurtleSkin SnakeArmor Snake Gaiters stopped a simulated snake strike of paired 0.05” diameter needles weighing a total of 150 grams at 0.63 joules. The system also stopped a simulated snake bite of a 0.042” diameter needle at 1.49 pounds with a penetration limit of 0.03”.

- TurtleSkin SnakeArmor Snake Chaps weigh only about 2 pounds, and are comfortable to wear all year round — not too hot or heavy to wear during warmer months. They are also wind and water resistant, making them a great option to wear during wet or colder seasons. This premium protective product is the lightest and softest snake chaps on the market. Below-the-Knee snake chaps as well as Turtleskin hunting pants offer fabric above the knee that keeps your pants dry and clean and snake protection from knee to ankle. TurtleSkin SnakeArmor Total Protection Snake Chaps provide snake protection from your ankle up to your thigh, which is ideal for working in swampy areas.
- A snake bite directly to your dog's chest or neck can be fatal, so protecting these vital areas while hunting or hiking is critical. Made from the same material as lightweight Turtleskin SnakeArmor gaiters and chaps for people, the Turtleskin DogArmor hunting vest and neck gaiter protects from snakes, and from thorns, briars, and sticks, too. Upland cover can be brutal on your faithful dog's underside, leaving it red and raw after a day of hunting, but now you can provide chest, belly and neck protection for man's best friend!

Whether you're working or playing in the great outdoors, stay safer with Turtleskin SnakeArmor!