Tuesday, June 25 2019
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that 7,000-8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes annually and that a small number of those victims die. Most snake bite deaths occur in children, the elderly, or with people who do not seek medical attention. While most bites are not fatal if treated by medical professionals, getting bitten is still the stuff of nightmares— swelling and discoloration of the surrounding tissue, intense pain, itching, nausea, rapid pulse, loss of muscle coordination and weakness, not to mention the cost of antivenom. Areas around the bite may suffer tissue death. It is not uncommon for victims bitten on the fingers and toes to have them amputated. The venom of a rattlesnake is primarily a hemotoxin, meaning that it works on the blood by destroying red blood cells and disrupting coagulation. It has the potential to cause organ degeneration and generalized tissue damage. Victims of venomous bites typically show signs of envenomation within 30 to 60 minutes. It’s crucial to get to a hospital immediately! While this information should be taken seriously, it is not meant to scare anyone away from enjoying the great outdoors, rather it's a reminder of what to do if you encounter a snake.
First, assume all snakes are venomous and leave them alone. Depending on the state you live in, there are many species of rattlesnakes— timber, prairie, canebrake, diamondback, and many others. The greatest concentration is found in the Southwestern United States and in Northern Mexico. For example, Arizona is home to 13 species of rattler, more than any other state. These snakes are commonly called pit vipers. The "pit" is an extremely sensitive organ located between the snake's eye and nostril on both sides of its head. These pits are so sensitive that the snake can detect the body temperature of a mouse, and judge its distance— whether that be a few inches or as far away as two feet. All snakes have an electrostatic sensor connected to its tongue that allows it to "taste" or chemically sense the air around it. Snakes are extremely attune to vibrations in the ground, too, so hiking with a stick or pole is a good way to “warn” snakes something is moving their way. Most pit vipers have tails with a series of rattles, hence the name rattlesnake. When rattlesnakes are disturbed, the rapid vibration of their tails will make a characteristic rattling sound to warn the intruder of their presence. However, not all rattlesnakes will “rattle” when disturbed. For this reason, when you are in rattlesnake country, pay close attention to where you walk, sit and place your hands. Wear snake gaiters or snake boots to protect your lower legs.
All venomous snakebites should be considered life-threatening.When someone has been bitten by a venomous snake, time is of the essence. Get medical help immediately! If possible, call ahead to the emergency room so antivenom can be ready when the victim arrives. Until then, keep the victim calm, restrict movement and keep the affected area below heart level to reduce the flow of venom. Wash the bite area with soap and water. Remove any rings or constricting items, as the affected area will swell. Do not apply a tourniquet, cut into the bite or try to suction out the venom, as doing so may cause more harm than good.
While no one wants to encounter a snake, keep in mind they occupy a valuable place in our ecosystem and should not be killed upon sight. They help reduce rodent populations, which destroy crops and sometimes carry diseases which can infect people. In general, snakes don't purposefully position themselves to frighten people. They'd much rather avoid encounters and usually will flee. There is no good reason to kill a snake except in the situation of a venomous snake posing immediate danger to people or pets. Snakes usually bite people only if they are molested on purpose or startled by accident; it's their only means of self-defense. Get outside this summer and have fun! Being in snake country is nothing to worry about if you take sensible precautions. Please stay alert and appreciate snakes as an integral part of wildlife.
Sunday, April 28 2019
Did you know? Copperhead mating season lasts from February to May and from late August to October. This means that rising temperatures coupled with mating season leads to more and more snake sightings. In fact, the number of urban sightings this April was overall higher than this time last year. Copperhead snakes are some of the more commonly seen North American snakes. They're also the most likely to bite. Copperhead snakes are found from southern New England to West Texas and northern Mexico: Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Copperheads will be a little bit more territorial now because they are trying to mate. And keep in mind that the venom of juvenile copperheads is just as potent as an adult’s.
Copperheads reside in an extremely wide range of habitats and are quite tolerant of “habitat alteration." This means that they can survive well in suburban areas. Copperheads can sometimes be found in wood and sawdust piles, abandoned farm buildings, junkyards and old construction areas. They often seek shelter under surface cover such as boards, sheet metal, logs or large flat rocks. Since they can live just about anywhere, copperheads bite more people than any other U.S. snake species, according to the North Carolina Cooperative Extension at North Carolina State University. But their venom is mild and rarely fatal. Generally, rattlesnakes are considered the most venomous and the most likely to cause death.
Copperheads are pit vipers, like rattlesnakes and water moccasins. Pit vipers have heat-sensory pits between eye and nostril on each side of head which are able to detect minute differences in temperatures so that the snakes can accurately strike the source of heat, which is often potential prey. Copperhead behavior is very much like that of most other pit vipers— they are generally docile outside of mating season. They would much rather lay motionless and let you just walk on by. Most strikes result from a defensive reaction to being stepped on or startled.
Keep in mind that snakes of many species are through hunkering down now that the weather is warmer, making human encounters more likely with ALL snakes. With extensive urbanization and encroachment of housing developments into the natural habitats of snakes and other reptiles, children playing outdoors are at greater risk for encountering a snake and consequently suffering a snakebite. More than 1,300 U.S. kids suffer bites each year on average, with one in four attacks occurring in Florida and Texas, a new study reveals. All 50 states and Washington, D.C., reported snakebites to children and about one-fifth of these bites required admission to an intensive care unit, researchers found. Snake Chaps for Kids should be considered, along with snake proof boots or snake gaiters for adults if your family is active outdoors. Experts also recommend keeping dogs leashed instead of allowing them to roam free. Dogs are at increased risk of being bitten due to holding their nose to the ground while investigating the outdoors. Speak to your veterinarian about canine rattlesnake vaccines and what to do if your pet is bitten.
Although you shouldn’t let the fear of snakes keep you from enjoying the great outdoors, play it safe. Be alert and stick to well-used trails and avoid tall grass, weeds and heavy underbrush where snakes may hide during the day. Fish and Wildlife experts recommend knowing what to do in the event of a snake strike.
• Stay calm and seek medical care immediately.
• Do not apply ice or a tourniquet.
• Do not try to suck out the venom, take aspirin or ibuprofen or try home remedies.
• Remove watches, rings, etc., which may constrict swelling
Thursday, March 14 2019
The calendar says it’s not even officially Spring yet, but when the warming weather causes rattlesnakes to come out of hibernation, it doesn’t matter what the date. It’s time to beware— especially in Arizona. A hospital in the Phoenix area with a toxicology referral center sees 50-75 rattlesnake bite patients annually. Of those, 5-10 people die from the bites. So far in 2019, two people have been treated for snake bite and have lived. 
The first was a Phoenix man who made medical history, but in a very painful way. Samuel Evans became the first patient treated with a new antivenom since its recent approval. Evans was trying to move a rattler from a hiking trail in the White Tank Mountains, when the pit viper bit his thumb. At the hospital, he was treated with CroFab antivenom, but developed a serious allergic reaction.
As fate would have it, Evans became the first patient to be treated with the FDA approved alternative called Anavip. Luckily it worked! No allergic reaction this time. Anavip also could be effective in preventing the delayed bleeding that can occur after rattlesnake bites. Anavip isn’t cheap. Each vial costs $1,220 and the average dosage is expected to be around 16 vials.
That total of around $20,000 might not sound so bad when it means saving a limb or even a life. Sources say it’s actually a lot less expensive than the older product. Antivenoms in general are very expensive.
Just a week ago, a 75-year old man rode his bike for a half-hour to seek help after he was bitten by a rattlesnake while on the Apache Wash trail in Phoenix. Jim Watkins was on a bike ride with a friend when he lost momentum and fell off his bike beside the trail and into a bush. If that wasn’t bad enough, he was bitten by a rattlesnake! “It felt like a bee sting. And then as I looked down, I could see the snake was recoiling back up, but still vibrating his rattles. And so I pulled away,” Watkins said.
Watkins, who was bit on his left calf, then rode with his friend for 30 minutes to get back to the trailhead. His friend called poison control right away to seek help. Their advice: "This is serious, you need to go to an emergency room.” Once he reached the nearest hospital, Watkins received three treatments of anti-venom – 12 vials in all – that thankfully counteracted the snake's venom and reduced the swelling.
Most Arizona emergency departments and hospitals have anti-venom. But there's only a couple of hospitals that have medical toxicologists that specialize in this care. Both of these men were lucky! Anyone who gets bit by a rattlesnake should get anti-venom as soon as possible. Wherever the bite is, is where most of the damage is going to occur. And that means breakdown of muscle and skin, as well as a lot of edema and swelling. The most important factor in a rattlesnake bite is to consider how much venom is injected.
As the weather warms up, rattlesnakes are out on the hiking trails. To anyone planning on hiking, biking, fishing, or working in snake country, follow these tips:
In the warm deserts, rattlesnakes are most active from March through October. In the spring, they are active during daylight hours. As days become increasingly hot around early May, rattlesnakes become more active at night and spend the day in a spot of shade or a cool shelter. Don’t take a chance! Be vigilant and take precautions to be safe in snake country— whether that be in the desert or the woods.
Tuesday, January 08 2019
Did you know that every year, in the world of manufacturing and construction, about 150,000 employee injuries are reported? That’s one of the reasons the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) was established— to ensure good conditions for America's working men and women by setting and enforcing standards, and providing training, education and assistance. One such bit of assistance comes in the form of establishing a list of personal protective equipment that employers must provide or reimburse you for. Commonly referred to as “PPE” the reason this type of equipment is used or worn by employees is to minimize exposure to a variety of hazards. Examples of PPE include such items as gloves, foot and eye protection, protective hearing devices, hard hats, respirators and more. In other words, equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses. Depending on the industry, these injuries and illnesses may result from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical, or other workplace hazards. In some cases, those workplace hazards (injury and even death) could result from poisonous snakes— rattlesnakes, copperheads, water moccasins, coral snake, and others!
Any kind of construction or manufacturing work calls for the need for proper footwear. Without it, slips, trips and falls are likely to occur. But if you’re working outdoors in rattlesnake country (oil & gas industry, landscaping, logging, utilities, surveyors, park rangers, etc.) you need protection from snake bite to potentially save your life! Rattlesnakes can be found in virtually every type of habitat in the Americas. Most live near open areas that have an abundance of rocks. This is because rocks offer cover from predators, and are also home to the rodents they feast on such as mice, lizards and insects. Rocks, too, provide places that rattlesnakes can bask in the sunlight to warm their bodies. Many rattlers also live in the deserts, marshes, prairies and forests. Although new species of rattlesnakes continue to be discovered, there are currently about 20 species in the United States. That’s a lot of snakes to be aware of!
Think of PPE as a support system of sorts for the work your job requires you to do. PPE is equipment that will protect you against health or safety risks on the job. Working outdoors where vipers are known to live is physically demanding and much more hazardous than your average desk job, so your safety equipment should minimize that physical risk as much as possible. You have a lot to get done each day. Snake gaiters and snake proof boots can provide some peace of mind so you can focus on the task at hand. No form of snake bite protection can guarantee 100% protection, including the brands found on this website. You must still be aware and vigilant while in snake habitat, but you can also reduce the risk of snake bite through prevention. Whatever footwear or legwear you choose, remember that it should fit properly and comfortably so follow the manufacturer’s wear and care instructions.
Snakes bites are most prevalent between April and October, and although snakes are not "out to get you," bites can and do occur year-round. Prevention is best. Don't take a chance! Wear snake gaiters or snake boots or full protection snake chaps when in known snake country - whether that be the desert or woods - and greatly reduce your chances of deadly fangs penetrating your lower leg or foot. Keep this in mind when out having fun, too. Wear snake bite protection when hiking, hunting, fishing, and even working around brush piles in your own backyard.
Wednesday, September 19 2018
Did you know that September 19th is International Snakebite Awareness Day? Each year, 5.4 million people world-wide are bit by venomous snakes. Somewhere around 100,000 die and another 400,000 end up with physical or mental disabilities. In the United States, an average of 7,500 people get bit each year.
Who knew? And that's exactly the problem according to Jay Fox, a professor and associate dean of research at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. He's also president of the International Society of Toninology, which proclaimed today International Snakebite Awareness Day.
Being aware is a good thing, especially where getting bit by a snake is concerned. For example, the venom from a cottonmouth or copperhead rarely kills, although during the time spent recovering from the bite you might wish you were dead! The pain can be unbearable.
The range of copperhead snakes, which are found in the southeastern United States, extends from Texas and Louisiana to Southern New England, which is widely considered the snake’s northern limit. Experts say the snakes are mostly found in states that have long periods of warm weather. Another particularly venomous species is the timber rattlesnake. Should you encounter a snake, slowly create distance.
Sometimes hikers are not sure that they have been bitten. A snake fang puncture might not go all the way through your shoe or pants even if you are struck. You might feel "something" and perhaps even glimpse "something" moving away through the weeds. You may not hear a rattle. But a pair of puncture marks at the wound is definitely a sign of a venomous snake bite, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Symptoms of a bite can include redness or swelling, severe pain, nausea and vomiting, labored breathing, disturbed vision, increased salivation and sweating, and numbness or tingling in the face or limbs. The CDC says to seek medical attention as soon as possible in the case of a snake bite, to try to remember the snake's color and shape and to keep still and calm to slow the spread of any venom. Those who cannot get to the hospital right away should lie or sit down with the bite below the level of the heart, wash the bite with soap and water and cover it with a clean, dry dressing. It is not recommended to take steps such as applying a tourniquet or attempting to suck out the venom, according to the CDC.
Prevention is always the safest route, so be proactive and wear snake gaiters or chaps or snake boots whenever in the woods or desert where snakes are known to live. Don't take a chance! Snake bite protection can safe your life.
Thursday, July 26 2018
Have you ever wondered how the average rattlesnake hunts and attacks its prey? Not human prey— most snakes are not aggressive toward people unless startled or provoked— but their usual food of frogs, lizards, mice and other rodents? Snakes are often thought of as incredibly stupid eating machines, but it turns out that the more you look at snakes, the more sophisticated their behavior becomes, according to recently published findings in the Journal of Herpetology.
Normally, rattlesnakes rely on ambush, sitting back and waiting for the prey to come within reach before a lightning-quick strike with their fangs. Sometimes they even use their tails as bait, wiggling them slightly as a worm-like lure for creatures such as skinks that would be attracted to worms. After the initial strike, and depending on the type of prey, snakes might hang back and wait for the venom to take hold. When you think about it, this is a smart plan for vipers because their prey might attempt to strike back at them after being bitten.
Scientific studies provide insight into the ways venomous snakes adapt to the behavior of their dangerous prey. For example, centipedes are armed with two venom-filled front legs that often act like fangs. As you might expect, centipedes don’t exactly go through life expecting problems. In fact, the creatures—which appear to have traded brains for legs—often let the snakes come right up to them, and sometimes even went so far as to crawl over the reptiles! Snakes seemed to have a healthy respect for the risks involved with centipedes but they will certainly aggressively attack them. Observations show that the reptiles would often approach the centipedes with a raised head—potentially to keep their eyes and sensitive scent organs out of the centipede’s reach. Snakes don't need to be that careful with your average mouse!
Snakes can even get the best of their prey AFTER death. Snakes—like many other reptiles—retain their reflexes even hours after death. The bite reflex is extremely strong in venomous snakes, because their instinct is to deliver one extremely quick bite, move away, and wait for their venom to work. The bodies of snakes often writhe around for some time after they are dead. It’s a similar reflex to that of a headless chicken running around for a short time after it is decapitated. The mechanism behind this eerie behavior is a nervous system pre-programmed to make certain movements without the brain needing to send a signal. And a decapitated venomous snake head is evidently pre-programmed to bite in response to a stimulus—such as a someone trying to pick it up. So if you see a rattlesnake in your backyard, for example, and you grab a shovel and kill it, you should still beware! If you go to dispose of it, the severed head could still bite you! No kidding!
Of course the vast majority of snake bites in the U.S. are the result of people messing around with the creatures, so its best to simply leave a venomous snake alone. If you need to move one from your property or a public area, call an expert to humanely move them since snakes play valuable roles in the ecosystem and deserve respect as wildlife. Prevention is best. Wear snake gaiters or snake boots or full protection snake chaps when out hiking, hunting, or working around timber. Then if you do encounter a commen Western diamondback rattlesnake, for example, you will be protected if it perceives you as a threat and strikes.
Tuesday, May 01 2018
As many areas of the country settle into warmer temperatures, especially in the desert regions, snakes are slith ering out of their dens and becoming increasingly more active. Once temperatures begin to hit 75 degrees, snake season begins. But that’s not all… it’s also time for the inevitable emergence of spiders and scorpions, too! Yikes! But that doesn’t mean we should avoid the great outdoors and stay home. It just means to take common sense precautions and be aware of your surroundings.
One of the best ways to avoid being bitten by a snake is to think about where you put your hands and feet. Look carefully before moving rocks or any object that may be providing shade for a snake. Use caution when walking through fields with tall grass, or along rivers or creeks. Keep in mind snakes are more active in the cooler hours of the day, which means they are more active at night through early morning, so consider installing outdoor lighting fixtures along porches and sidewalks, and carry a flashlight after dark. If you have a backyard swimming pool with a messy log pile next to it and dog food lying out, then you've created the perfect environment to invite rodents, which invites snakes.
Some regions that received more rain than usual this year during the cooler months means there is plenty of spring vegetation to feed the rodents and birds that rattlesnakes love to eat. When the ecosystem flourishes, the animal flourishes, and a number of those birds and rodents are prey to venomous snakes such as rattlesnakes. But that doesn't mean more rattlesnakes now, experts say. That may happen in a couple years, but not until rattlesnakes get fat and happy from plentiful food and make more baby rattlesnakes. As the weather gets warmer, we see snakes come out to sun themselves and look for food, but that doesn’t necessarily mean there are MORE snakes than previous years, spring just means all snakes become more active and are therefore seen more often.
Nearly all rattlesnake bites result from human error, not rattlesnake aggression. It’s no surprise that the stereotypical bite happens to a male ages 17 to 27 with large amounts of alcohol involved! All rattlesnakes can be aggressive at certain times, but not all rattlesnakes are aggressive in general. Some don’t possess their iconic “rattle” but it’s best to assume all snakes are venomous. Although new species of rattlesnakes continue to be discovered, there are currently about 20 species in the United States (13 of those are found in Arizona). The most commonly encountered is the western diamondback; it accounts for the most bites and deaths. They are not aggressive; they're defensive. If you see any type of rattlesnake, don't make it feel threatened and leave a lot of room between you and the snake.
If you are bitten by a rattlesnake or other venomous snake the Mayo Clinic lists these steps:
• Call 911
• Remain calm and move beyond the snake's striking distance.
• Remove jewelry and tight clothing before you start to swell.
• Position yourself, if possible, so that the bite is at or below the level of your heart.
• Clean the wound, but don't flush it with water. Cover it with a clean, dry dressing.
Be sure not to to do these things:
• Don't use a tourniquet or apply ice.
• Don't cut the wound or attempt to remove the venom.
• Don't drink caffeine or alcohol, which could speed your body's absorption of venom.
• Don't try to capture the snake. Try to remember its color and shape so that you can describe it, which will help in your treatment.
Of course your best defense against venomous snakes is not to take a chance in the first place. Adults can wear snake bite protection such as lower leg snake gaiters or full chaps or snake proof boots when working or playing in snake country. Snake chaps for children also available. Be safe and have fun!
Monday, November 27 2017
We appreciate receiving emails from our customers and try our best to answer questions and implement suggestions. Lately, many emails have been from women asking about snake proof boots. Here are a few examples of their comments:
“I am interested in a pair of snake proof boss for hiking. The ones on this site look like they would be uncomfortable for hiking. Thoughts?”
“Got any suggestions for tall, slender girls? I’ve tried on lots of boots where the calves are huge on me. And I wear a women's size 11. Thanks!”
“So all you have are snake proof boots for men? All of these boots are BUTT UGLY!!! How about a nice looking, rugged snakeproof boot for women?”
Our honest recommendation to our female customers is not to buy snake boots at all— snake gaiters for women, worn over pants and with your own hiking boots, are a far better option. Same goes for snake chaps if you need snake protection above the knee. Here’s why:
Unfortunately, the major manufacturers of snake boots make them in men's sizes. Men are their target customers. And since there is no real sizing chart to convert men's to women's sizing, it is anyone’s guess what size a woman should buy. Snake gaiters or snake chaps, easily solve the problem because both are truly uni-sex is sizing. That being said, however, if you have access to a local store that stocks boots, you may have good luck by trying them on in person. But to avoid a lot of extra shipping costs associated with returns and exchanges, we do not suggest that women buy snake boots online. Male customers never seem to have this problem as their sizes are true and the fit is comfortable.
Another reason we suggest that women not bother with boots is because then you would be stuck wearing the same pair all the time, or would need to buy several pair with different tread or features. Depending on the weather and terrain, you may need a boot with aggressive tread for some hiking trails, but not so much for other outdoor activities in snake country such as when you are cleaning up your backyard landscaping. Snake gaiters or chaps allow women to wear their own comfortable, stylish hiking boots to match the terrain and circumstances. You can then switch boots as often as needed. Snake gaiters are available in several colors and go with any footwear!
Snake gaiters and snake chaps are a less expensive option than boots, too, and are available in a variety of sizes and colors and brands.. Just be sure to wear a thicker hiking boot with your gaiters or chaps. Snake fangs may penetrate tennis shoes or a light hiking shoe with mesh on top or sides, so avoid those styles. Also, when you choose gaiters or chaps, there is no guessing with the size. Measure the circumference of your calves while wearing the same pants you would normally wear out in the field, compare to the sizing charts on this website, and you can’t go wrong!
Sunday, August 20 2017
Rattlesnakes usually stay away from humans, but health officials say about 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the country every year. Snakes bites are most prevalent between April and October and are on a record pace this year, according to many poison control centers. It doesn’t seem to matter if you are on the East Coast or the West Coast, or down South— location doesn’t matter. Snakes are very temperature-dependent, so it’s more a matter of warm weather than a particular state or region. 
The number of calls last month to the Carolinas Poison Center about snake bites nearly quadrupled compared to last year. More than 500 calls about snake bites are expected in California. Georgia Poison Control reports a 50 percent increase in the number of bites reported this year compared to the same time period last year. This is a small sampling, but represents what most states are experiening in late summer.
A few species seem to cause the majority of poisonous bites: copperheads, cottonmouths (also called the water moccasin), eastern diamondback rattlesnakes, pigmy rattlesnakes, timber rattlesnakes, and sidewinders. It's true that there are ways to tell if a snake is venomous by its appearance, but most people aren't paying close enough attention to really know. It's better to assume ALL snakes are poisonous and avoid them. Don't be afraid to be outside, just be cautious and know what poisonous snakes look like that are common to the areas where you recreate and live. A rattlesnake, for example has a broad, triangular head. It has a relatively heavy or "fat" body, with a rattle on tail. The rattlesnake’s signature sound is a lot like bacon sizzling. However, these venomous creatures can lose their rattles over time, so don’t be lulled into a false sense of safety because you hear nothing. Even when not fatal, snake bites can be painful and scary. Bottom line: it's better to be safe than sorry, so follow these tips when in snake country no matter the state:
- Be alert. Like all reptiles, snakes are sensitive to the ambient temperature and will adjust their behavior accordingly. After a cold or cool night, they will attempt to raise their body temperature by basking in the sun midmorning. To prevent overheating during hot day, they will become more active at dawn, dusk or night.
- Wear sturdy boots or gaiters. Kid size snake chaps are worth considering, too. Never go barefoot or wear sandals when walking through brushy, wild areas. Startled snakes may not rattle before striking defensively. Children should not wear flip-flops while playing outdoors in snake country.
- When hiking, stick to well-used trails. Avoid tall grass, weeds and heavy underbrush where snakes may hide during the day. Never hike alone. Always have someone with you who can assist in an emergency.
- Do not step or put your hands where you cannot see. Step on logs and rocks, never over them, and be especially careful when climbing rocks or gathering firewood. Check out stumps or logs before sitting down, and shake out sleeping bags before use. Be careful when trimming tall weeds or working around wood piles even in your own backyard.
- Never grab “sticks” or “branches” while swimming in lakes and rivers. Rattlesnakes can swim! It’s not known why they take to the water, other than sometimes to escape predators.
- Teach children early to respect snakes and to leave them alone.
- Leash your dog when hiking in snake country so they can’t poke their noses into holes where a rattler might be hiding.
If you do get bitten, don’t try using an ice compress or a tourniquet. Don’t try “cutting and sucking.” Seek immediate medical attention and take comfort in the fact that the bites may cause intense, burning pain but are rarely fatal, unless it is a child or pet, in which case a bite can be deadly. Once at a hospital, treatment depends on the type of snake involved, the amount of venom injected and the health of the person bitten. If your dog is bitten, take it to the veterinarian immediately to receive the antivenin treatment.
Although snakes of any kind are not "out to get you," bites can and do occur. Your best defense is don't take a chance! Wear snake gaiters or snake pants when in known snake country - whether that be the desert or woods - and greatly reduce your chances of being bitten!
Sunday, June 04 2017
As the weather heats up, rattlesnakes especially become more active. They, like humans, tend to explore when the weather gets warm. Also like humans (those who enjoy the great outdoors, that is), rattlesnakes tend to avoid developed areas, preferring undisturbed, natural habitats. That means the more you hike, hunt, camp, fish, bike and recreate in wilderness areas, the greater your chances of encountering a pit viper. And another thing they have in common with humans is they tend to be found in log piles and rocks and other natural "seats" where you might be likely to enjoy your lunch or bask in the sun. They also can be found in swampy areas. Snakes are able to regulate their body temperature by moving in and out of shade. A warmer body allows a snake to move faster when trying to catch prey (insects, slugs, frogs, birds, bird eggs, small mammals, and other reptiles). 
Rattlesnakes are native to North America, living in diverse habitats. There are 36 known species of rattlesnakes, with between 65 and 70 subspecies. The state with the most types of rattlesnakes are Texas and Arizona. Even baby rattlesnakes possess dangerous venom as soon as they hatch. Rattlesnakes all have the ability to rattle, hence their name, but they don't always make a rattling sound, so someone can be standing next to one and not even know it.
It is impossible to know what each and every variety of poisonous rattler looks like, but in general, they all have a triangular head, much wider than the neck, thick body with dull skin, and bands of color or splotches of color on backs and tail. Become familiar with the most common snakes found where you live or recreate. The three most common are:
Northern Pacific Rattlesnake: The color pattern is usually dark-brown, dark-gray, olive-brown, or sometimes black or pale yellowish ground color overlaid dorsally with a series of large, dark blotches with uneven white edges. These blotches are also wider than the spaces that separate them. Additionally, a lateral series of blotches, usually darker than the dorsal blotches, is clearly visible on all but the darkest specimens. The first rings of the tail are about the same color as the last body blotches, but these rings become progressively darker; the last two rings, at the base of the tail, are usually black. The belly is pale yellow, usually with brown spots. A large, dark-brown blotch on the snout has a pale border behind it. There is a dark brown postocular stripe with a white border that extends from the eye to around the angle of the jaw.
Western Diamond-Backed Rattlesnake: A large and heavy-bodied species, this rattlesnake's coloring varies from chalky gray to dull red, appearing dusty due to minute flecks and dots on the scales. As suggested by its common name, this species has diamond-shaped markings over most of its body, which are edged with black and white. These markings are replaced by conspicuous black and white bands towards the rear of the tail, just in front of the rattle, while the head has two characteristic pale stripes, one in front of the eye and the other behind, which run diagonally down the head towards the mouth.
Timber Rattlesnake: This is the only rattlesnake species in most of the populous northeastern United States; it is the third largest venomous snake in the United States.The physical color of a timber rattlesnake can vary widely depending on its area. Some are gray with a rich black pattern, some are tan with a sulfur yellow pattern, and some are a combination of both. They have V or W-shaped crossbar markings, which create a distinct pattern across its back. Generally they have a wide head and narrow necks. They have a distinctive rattler on its tail made up of a special scales. Their eyes are yellow, with elliptical pupils. These are large snakes, generally ranging from 36-60 inches (90-152 cm) in length and between 1.5 to 3 pounds.
It is estimated that 7,000 to 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the United States each year, resulting in many deaths. The most important factor in survival is the time elapsed between the bite and treatment. Most deaths occur between six and 48 hours after the bite. If antivenom treatment is given within two hours of the bite, the probability of recovery is greater than 99 percent. Still, any bite by a rattlesnake must be considered a life-threatening medical emergency!
When a bite occurs, the amount of venom injected is under voluntary control by the snake. The amount released depends on a variety of factors, including the condition of the snake (e.g. having long, healthy fangs and a full venom sack) and its temperament (an angry, hungry snake that has just been stepped on vs. a satiated snake that was merely surprised by walking near it). About 20% of bites result in no envenomation at all. Common symptoms include swelling, severe pain, tingling, weakness, anxiety, nausea and vomiting, hemorrhaging, perspiration, and eventually heart failure. Local pain is often intense, and will increase. Children generally experience more severe symptoms because they receive a larger amount of venom per unit of body mass.
What to do if bitten by a snake:
If bitten by a rattlesnake, stay calm and send someone to call 911. Always hike with a friend so you can help each other in case of emergency. The victim should remain calm by lying down with the affected limb lower than the heart. Do not waste precious time on tourniquets, "cutting and sucking," or snake bite kits. If you are by yourself, walk calmly to the nearest source of help: another person or a phone to Dial 911. Do Not Run. If you are not sure what kind of snake bit you, check the bite for two puncture marks (in rare cases one puncture mark) associated with intense, burning pain. This is typical of a rattle snake bite.
Although snakes of any kind are not "out to get you," bites can and do occur. Your best defense is don't take a chance! Wear snake gaiters or snake boots when in known snake country - whether that be the desert or woods - and greatly reduce your chances of being bitten!